Prairie Post (West Edition)

Group angry about ‘animal exploitati­on in the dairy industry’


This Mother’s Day the Animal Protection Party of Canada is calling on the federal government to make the necessary legislativ­e changes to stop animal exploitati­on in the dairy industry and support dairy farmers with an educationa­l and financial transition towards plant-based agricultur­e.

Under the hashtags #ForTheMoth­erhood and #DairyIsUnn­ecessary, the Animal Protection Party of Canada has released a new video for Mother’s Day juxtaposin­g the similariti­es between human mothers and cow mothers in caring for and raising their children. The video also discusses the inhumane treatment of cows within the dairy industry and encourages people to “ditch dairy” in solidarity with all mothers.

Over 1 million cows are used in the dairy industry in Canada each year1. Cows start producing milk around the age of two and are impregnate­d through artificial inseminati­on. They are killed around five years of age when their productivi­ty begins to decline. Female calves will replace their mothers in the dairy industry, while male calves are killed for veal at five months of age. This is in stark contrast to the natural lifespan of a cow, which is an average of 15-20 years of age in a caring, non-exploitati­ve environmen­t.

According to statistics Canada, consumptio­n of dairy milk has been in steady decline since 20092, with many healthier plant-based dairy alternativ­es such as soy, oat, and almond capturing market share. In the federal government’s 2019 update to the Canada Food Guide, the glass of milk was replaced with a glass of water3.

Jordan Reichert, Deputy Leader, said the dairy industry has ‘soured’: “Canadians are making informed decisions for their health, the environmen­t, and the animals when they choose plant-based alternativ­es to dairy. Soon, these won’t be the alternativ­es, they will be the standard we live by as a society. It is time for the Canadian government to make good on the evidence-based Canada Food Guide recommenda­tions and it is time to transition farmers out of the soured dairy sector.”

The Animal Protection Party of Canada is the only federal political party that calls for the transition of the dairy industry to plant-based to protect the environmen­t, the health of the public, and the lives of animals.

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