Prairie Post (West Edition)

Conservati­ves dominate on economy; Liberals preferred on COVID-19, climate change


Two French debates are in the rear-view mirror for Canada’s federal party leaders, who now turn their attention to the English debate, which will set the tone for the final sprint of the 44th federal election campaign.

While millions of eager Canadians will be tuning in to hear from party leaders, the two vying for the title of prime minister will enter the debate with clear strengths and weaknesses.

A new study from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute finds the Liberals holding a key edge on some of the most important issues facing the country (according to Canadians) including climate change and COVID-19 response. Their advantage increases greatly among those who say those issues are their top priorities.

That said, Erin O’Toole and the Conservati­ves have a clear advantage on a host of economic issues, from strengthen­ing the economy, to taxation, to creating job opportunit­ies. The CPC’s advantage on economic issues is considerab­le, regardless of whether a person appraising them places these issues at the top or bottom of their own personal decision-making process.

With vote intention remaining competitiv­e, key swing voters will likely be a target both during the debate and throughout the final days of the campaign - this includes those who currently say they will vote for the NDP. With speculatio­n swirling about the potential for strategic voting, the Liberal Party is viewed as a better option by current NDP supporters on all nine issues canvassed in this study.

More Key Findings:

• Just 12 per cent of Canadians rank Indigenous issues as a top three issue, half the rate who did so in July. Reconcilia­tion will be one of the five major themes announced for the debate.

• Half of Canadians do not think either a Liberal or Conservati­ve government will make any difference on housing affordabil­ity. Among those who say housing is a top priority, 22 per cent say the Liberals would improve the situation if they formed government, while 18 per cent say the Conservati­ves would.

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