Prairie Post (West Edition)

The Weekly Crossword



1. Plural of be

4. Dress

10. Nothing

11. Relating to apes

12. They protect and serve

14. Swindle

15. Show’s partner

16. Lift

18. Raise up

22. Do something to an excessive degree

23. Occupies

24. Power-driven aircraft

26. Indicates position

27. Matchstick games

28. This and __

30. No longer here

31. Health insurance

34. Spore-producing receptacle on fern frond

36. Monetary unit

37. Sweet potatoes

39. Tropical Asian plant

40. Guilty or not guilty

41. Carbon dioxide

42. Able to arouse intense feeling

48. Earl’s jurisdicti­on

50. Omitted

51. Heartbeat

52. Albania capital

53. Fashion accessory

54. Interactio­n value analysis

55. Symbol of exclusive ownership

56. More promising

58. __ student, learns healing

59. Nonresiden­t doctor

60. Midway between east and southeast


1. Enrages

2. Capital of Saudi Arabia

3. Uses in an unfair way

4. Cesium

5. Written works

6. Breakfast item

7. Found in showers

8. A way of fractionin­g

9. Unit of measuremen­t

12. Sailboat

13. Indian goddess

17. For each

19. Farewell

20. Ethnic group of Sierra Leone

21. German industrial city

25. Measures intensity of light

29. Small, faint constellat­ion

31. Promotes enthusiast­ically

32. Malaysian inhabitant

33. Ancient units of measuremen­t

35. An unspecifie­d period

38. Frame house with up to three stories

41. Lassie is one

43. Martinis have them

44. Rant

45. Famed journalist Tarbell

46. Opening

47. Round Dutch cheese

49. Archaic form of do

56. Once more

57. Registered nurse

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