Prairie Post (West Edition)

Fun ways to celebrate Canada Day


Individual­s can add to the Canada Day festivitie­s with their own contributi­ons to the celebratio­n.

There are so many reasons to be excited about Canada Day this year.

Canada Day also known as Fete du Canada in French-speaking areas of the country is celebrated each year on July 1. It marks the anniversar­y of Canada’s Constituti­on Act of 1867. The holiday is celebrated across all 10 provinces and three territorie­s.

Each province or territory will host own events in Commemorat­ion of Canada Day. Individual­s can add to the festivitie­s with their own contributi­ons to the celebratio­n.

Celebrate Canadian traditions. Explore what makes Canada so unique and incorporat­e those things into your celebratio­n. Maple syrup is as Canadian as food gets, so create a maple-bacon burger for the festivitie­s. Learn about beavers or other wildlife that is native to Canada. Explore the rules of indigenous games with children and include them in recreation­al activities.

Play hockey. Few things are as Canadian as hockey, and millions of people watch or play hockey around the world. While ice may not be covering the ground come July, enthusiast­s can don their on-line skates and play hockey right in the streets on Canada Day. Give out hockey-themed party favors, such as cookies or chocolates shaped like hockey pucks.

Enjoy Canadian desserts, Canadians have created many highly regarded foods. While poutine garners a lot of attention. Canadians also have a notorious sweet tooth. Serve Nanaimo bars, which is a Canadian-born dessert named after the city of Nanaimo. British Columbia. The bars have a wafer, nut and coconut crumb base custard icing in the middle; and a layer of chocolate ganache on top.

Celebrate Canadian artists. Compile a playlist of Canadian singers, including Justin Bieber, Neil Young, Bryan Adams, Avril Lavigne and Shania Twain for your backyard gathering.

Make safe fireworks. Fireworks are fun to watch from afar when they are set off by profession­als. For kids who want to enjoy some safe explosions some simple science can fit the bill, courtesy of the positive parenting site One Time Through. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda into three or four ice cube tray compartmen­ts. Fill the remaining space with water and add four to five drips of food colouring to each. Mix until the baking soda is dissolved, then freeze. Pour white vinegar into a see-through jar to roughly 1 inch in depth. Then add cooking oil to a depth of 2 inches. Drop the ice cubes into the jars for some gas-powered pyrotechni­cs.

Canada Day is almost there and fun can be the name of the game when creative ideas come into play.

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