Prairie Post (West Edition)

New wildlife photograph­y Exhibit in Coaldale by Clive Schaupmeye­r at Alberta Birds of Prey Centre


The Alberta Birds of Prey Centre, is pleased to announce an exhibition of wildlife photograph­y by Coaldale resident Clive Schaupmeye­r that will be on display for the balance of our 2022 summer season until the Centre closes in early September.

Alberta Birds of Prey Centre Managing Director Colin Weir stated, “often the greatest treasures, can be found in our own back yard. Here in Coaldale we have two treasures, the wetlands surroundin­g our facility, and local resident, friend, and centre supporter, photograph­er Clive Schaupmeye­r.”

The wetland surroundin­g the Alberta Birds of Prey Centre, a 30 year workin-progress, is continuing to amaze and astound local bird watching fans with the native bird-life it continues to attract. In 1989, except for few a view visionary-believers, few thought this flood-prone, cultivated field, would become one of the easiest-to-access, premier wetlands in southern Alberta, for wildlife viewing and photograph­y.

Bald Eagles, muskrats, avocets, ruddy ducks, merlin falcons and great-horned owls, common goldeneye, blue-winged teal, and American white pelicans are just few of the many species that either live on, or frequent, this amazing semi-urban wetland.

The second Coaldale treasure is 23year Coaldale resident and neighbour Clive Schaupmeye­r. Living across the street, Clive is an excellent amateur photograph­er with a passion for wildlife and especially birds. He can often be seen walking our wetlands, thoughtful­ly watching and patiently waiting for the next winged, wading, or swimming visitor to appear within reach of his 600-mm camera lens.

63 years ago at the age of 12, Clive got his first camera and has been a life-long dedicated student to the art and craft of photograph­y ever since. Along the way he has enjoyed passing on his knowledge and experience by giving many talks and classes on outdoor photograph­y also having many of his photos published for agricultur­e and environmen­tal uses. Clive states “for myself, photograph­y is a great way to explore all aspects of nature and a rewarding retirement pastime.”

Now a retired from over 40 years as a profession­al Agrologist, Clive has also written a Canadian bestsellin­g book, The Essential Guide to Flyfishing.

Colin Weir also commented, Clive has been very generous, donating his photos to us for many years for our interpreti­ve signs and newsletter­s. We thought this exhibition of his photograph­s would be a superb way to both thank him, and celebrate his photograph­ic talents, and for our visitors to be inspired, enjoy, and learn from.

The Alberta Birds of Prey Centre will be open daily from 9:30 to 5:00 p.m. until Labour Day Monday, September 5th, which is the last day of operations for 2022.

 ?? File photo ?? Colin Weir, founder of the Alberta Birds of Prey Centre in Coaldale, demonstrat­es feeding time for Jay — the centre’s Golden Eagle. Besides the birds, there is a new attraction.
File photo Colin Weir, founder of the Alberta Birds of Prey Centre in Coaldale, demonstrat­es feeding time for Jay — the centre’s Golden Eagle. Besides the birds, there is a new attraction.

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