Prairie Post (West Edition)

Coaldale McDonald’s donates $5,770 in support of the town’s new recreation centre


Donations to the Coaldale STRONG! Capital Campaign help ensure that Coaldale’s new multi-use recreation centre is fully stocked with equipment required to facilitate full programmin­g upon opening in spring, 2024.

Thanks to a generous $5,770 donation from the Coaldale McDonald’s, the Coaldale STRONG! Capital Campaign is that much closer to reaching its goal of generating $2 million in philanthro­pic support for Coaldale’s new multi-use recreation centre.

It is well known that each year, McDonald’s Canada franchisee­s and crews across the country celebrate McHappy Day, a day of community giving in support of Ronald McDonald Houses and other local children’s charities. This year, however, the Coaldale McDonald’s decided to celebrate a second day of annual community giving called “McCommunit­y Day.”

“As Coaldale McDonald’s employees, McCommunit­y Day provides an opportunit­y for us to celebrate where we work and live, together with our team and our guests, by raising funds for a local project that will enhance the quality of life of Coaldale residents”, said Jordan Brown, Owner and Operator of the Coaldale McDonalds. “Raising funds for the Coaldale STRONG Capital Campaign was a natural choice because we’re all looking forward to seeing the new recreation centre open and believe it will be a facility that everyone from Coaldale can be proud of. Thanks to everyone who came out to show their support!”

Once operationa­l, Coaldale’s new recreation centre will stand as a centrepiec­e for recreation, sports, and special events in Southern Alberta. It will also serve as a hub for the local community. Programmin­g will be designed to attract participat­ion from all ages and will consist not only of activities directed towards enhancing people’s quality of life, but also, of activities directed towards growing Coaldale’s economic prosperity.

“As a community, we’re incredibly grateful to see franchises like McDonald’s support local projects like our new rec centre”, said Town of Coaldale Mayor, Jack Van Rijn. “Let’s be honest - there’s no obligation that any business, whether it’s based in Coaldale or not, give back to the community, and so to see McDonald’s step up and donate a portion of its total daily sales to support building our new rec centre is truly heartwarmi­ng. On behalf of Coaldale Town Council, I want to thank Jordan for all of the hard work he’s done to integrate McDonald’s into the community and for donating to the Coaldale STRONG Capital Campaign.”

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