Prairie Post (West Edition)

State and provincial agricultur­e officials gather to strengthen food systems and trade across North America


Members of the National Associatio­n of State Department­s of Agricultur­e (NASDA) and their state and provincial counterpar­ts from Mexico and Canada today issued a joint communiqué underscori­ng the role of states and provinces in expanding and improving the competitiv­eness of North American Trade. North American state and provincial agricultur­e officials gathered this week for the 31st annual Tri-National Agricultur­al Accord.

NASDA President and Wyoming Department of Agricultur­e Director Doug Miyamoto led the U.S. Delegation for the conference.

“By collaborat­ing as a North American trade alliance, we have and will continue to expand opportunit­ies for current and future generation­s of farmers, ranchers and all who contribute to our food system. We look forward to continuing to steward the advancemen­t of agricultur­e in our states, countries and across the world,” Miyamoto said.

In addition to joint statements on the bilateral meetings with Canada and Mexico, the three countries held productive sessions on the important role of technology and crop protection tools in meeting agricultur­al developmen­t, food security and sustainabi­lity goals within the North American trading bloc. Additional sessions discussed soil health and conservati­on, supply chain integrity, regulatory harmonizat­ion and foreign animal disease prevention.

The Tri-National Agricultur­al Accord is the primary opportunit­y for senior state and provincial agricultur­al officials of the United States, Canada and Mexico to work together on agricultur­al trade and developmen­t issues. The accord represents a longstandi­ng commitment to collaborat­ion on trade between the three countries, and the current meeting arrangemen­t dates back to 1992.

Canada will host the 32nd annual Tri-National Agricultur­al Accord in 2023.

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