Regina Leader-Post

MPS avoid politics of shootings while online debate rages


OTTAWA — “Our hearts go out to the victims ... and their families. Today is a time for mourning and not politics.”

Public Safety Minister Vic Toews posted the sentiment on a social media network Friday afternoon as Canadians recoiled in horror at the news of another U.S. school shooting, this time in Newtown, Conn.

His appeal to forego political debate in the emotional heat of the moment was not uncommon, and serves as a staple after many mass shootings.

“There will be time to debate what went wrong and how such a tragedy can be prevented,” NDP Leader Tom Mulcair said. “But today, New Democrats join Canadians in expressing our heartfelt condolence­s to the families of the victims — and in hugging our own children a little tighter.”

Bob Rae, the Liberal interim leader, was more circumspec­t, vaguely alluding to “further informatio­n (that) will undoubtedl­y emerge in the days ahead,” while expressing immediate support for the Connecticu­t families and community.

And Prime Minister Stephen Harper refrained from any political allusions at all, posting a message on Twitter stating, “The news is just awful.

“The thoughts and prayers of Canadians are with the students and families in Connecticu­t affected by this senseless violence.”

Contrast that to U.S. President Barack Obama, who held a news conference where he tearfully vowed that Americans are “going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics.” Obama did not elaborate.

However, Jerrold Nadler, a Democrat congressma­n from New York, issued a statement that “If now is not the time to have a serious discussion about gun control and the epidemic of gun violence plaguing our society, I don’t know when is.”

David Frum, the apostate Republican, displaced Canadian, and former speech writer to George W. Bush, drew the ire of the pro-gun lobby by causticall­y tweeting that perhaps those Newtown school kids should have been carrying concealed weapons for protection.

Frum responded to the blowback with a fiery essay posted on thedailybe­ under the clarion-call headline: “Every Day is the Day to Talk About Gun Control.”

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