Regina Leader-Post

School shooting views


A few days before Christmas, grade-school children should be looking for a fat, jolly man armed with a sack full of toys. Instead, they are watching for a deranged mind armed for mass killing.

Finally, there appears to be a serious outcry in the U.S. for gun control. Here in Canada we have an outcry for less gun control, including within the highest positions of government, lest someone be forced to register their long-barrel gopher gun.

The absurdity and inhumanity of such thinking is self-apparent, unless, of course, you are prepared to explain to the parents that some measures just aren’t worth the cost and inconvenie­nce, on the offchance the murder of their children may have been preventabl­e

Larry Deters, Regina

Where was God during the massacre of the children in Newtown, Connecticu­t?

This is the question on many lips today. I don’t pretend to know where He was, but I do know that God was kicked out of the schools a long time ago. He was not wanted, so He left. So instead of blaming God, why not blame the majority of good people who allowed a few atheist radicals, who were vocal and pushy, to push God out of all public life? He was not allowed into the schools, but the first place the people of Newtown turned was to God as they sang Christmas carols at the prayer vigil for those innocent tots and brave teachers.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Evil triumphed there, and in every other school shooting that ever has been.

It is sad, but probably true that this is not the end. Extreme violence has become a way of life for our youth. The super violent sports draw huge crowds and the murderous video games sell by the millions on the first day of issue, while the experts say these things do not have any bearing on our childrens’ behaviour.

America does not have a gun problem; it has a very deep-seated spiritual problem that can only get worse the farther we drive God away.

Bill Temple, Regina

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