Regina Leader-Post

Obama expected to push gun control


WASHINGTON — Prominent gun-rights advocates in Congress are now calling for a national discussion about restrictio­ns to curb gun violence, signalling that the horrific shooting at a Connecticu­t elementary school could be a tipping point in a debate that has been dormant for years.

“Everything should be on the table,” West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin declared Monday. He is a conservati­ve Democrat, avid hunter and lifelong member of the National Rifle Associatio­n. Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa proposed a debate not just about guns but also mental issues.

White House officials said U.S. President Barack Obama would make preventing gun violence a secondterm policy priority. But it was unclear what Obama would pursue or how, and aides said stricter gun laws would be only part of any effort.

The president met Monday afternoon with VicePresid­ent Joe Biden and a handful of cabinet members to begin discussion­s on ways the country should respond to the Newtown shootings. Among those in attendance were Attorney General Eric Holder, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

It remains to be seen whether Obama and Congress can turn their rhetoric into action or whether the shock over the Connecticu­t shootings will fade before they do. Public opinion has shifted against tougher gun control in recent years, and the gun lobby is a powerful political force, particular­ly in Republican primaries. Also, Obama has called for a national dialogue after other mass shootings during his presidency, only to see those efforts take a back seat to other pressing issues.

This time, the president has vowed to use “whatever power this office holds” to safeguard the nation’s children against gun violence, suggesting he may put political muscle behind an assault weapons ban. He has long supported reinstatin­g the ban, which expired in 2004, but never pressed for in his first term. Liberal Democrats on Capitol Hill are already laying the groundwork for legislatio­n to outlaw the military-style arms.

 ?? Getty Imagse ?? White House officials said U.S. President Barack Obama would place preventing gun violence as a top priority
for his second term.
Getty Imagse White House officials said U.S. President Barack Obama would place preventing gun violence as a top priority for his second term.

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