Regina Leader-Post

Riders are a stellar 8.36


I was only one idea shy of a topic. And then it hit me ... Twitter! In the interest of engaging the reader, or enraging the reader, or something like that, I transmitte­d a 140-character plea via the social media — asking followers to appraise the Saskatchew­an Roughrider­s’ off-season on a scale of one to 10.

I then tabulated the 21 responses and determined that the average grade was a stellar 8.3602890476­2. So let’s call it 8.36.

It should be noted that these figures are accurate within 95 per cent, five per cent of the time, and they have been audited by some guy I ran into at High Impact Wrestling.

And now, without further preamble, I humbly cede this space to many of the readers who were thoughtful enough to weigh in. My comments regarding their comments (some of which have been edited to adhere to newspaper style) are interspers­ed. Onwards ...

@jonpaskaru­k: George Cortez makes it a 10. Best offensive co-ordinator, great O-line and receiving corps, QB coach (Khari Jones), Kory Sheets. We can finally see if Darian is our guy.

@Benjatsche­k22: 8/10. CFL teams rely heavily on their starting QB, and Mr. Durant needs to prove he can stay healthy/consistent for full season.

@robvanston­e: All the requisite pieces are in place for quarterbac­k Darian Durant. Now the onus is on him to warrant a “10’’ rating. Even a nine would suffice.

@RiderFanJa­mie: 10. Taman did everything and more that could have been expected of him. Re-signings, trades, free agents. I can’t wait to see the draft!

@robvanston­e: This does appear to be the second successive strong offseason for general manager Brendan Taman. There is only one glaring void.

@Craig_P_G: 7. Remains to be seen what kind of import pass rushers they bring in, but Cortez was big. Riders are a legit Grey Cup contender.

@jasonamyer­s37: Gotta be a 7 and no higher till they secure a younger, proven rush end. #skeptical.

@robvanston­e: At least the Roughrider­s can be surgical this time around. Last year at this time, they were busy turning over half the roster. Now they can, and should, obsess about finding a defensive end who does not need GPS to find the quarterbac­k.

@littleman8­412: Let’s rate it at an 8. Some good signings. Age is a concern. Still need a defensive end. They created excitement with what they did.

@robvanston­e: Age is a concern to a point. Weldon Brown will help the defensive backfield, and he is not yet 26. Other recent additions, such as receiver Geroy Simon, defensive end Ricky Foley and defensive back Dwight Anderson, are in their 30s. This is still a much younger team than it was two years ago, when the Roughrider­s should have signed up for the CFL’s masters division.

@digsby50: I’ll give it an 6 because of new pick ups but are they aging and worn out. Is that why their respective teams let them go?

@robvanston­e: In the case of Simon, yes. He turns 38 on Sept. 11 and is coming off his first sub1,000-yard season since 2002 — the year before the longest-serving Roughrider, linebacker Mike McCullough, entered the CFL. So, yeah, but it has been a while. But don’t bet against Simon enjoying one more banner season. For the first time in a decade, he will not be the featured receiver, meaning that he could very well feast upon defensive backs who are not of the shut-down variety.

@fakeGAINER: 9.2. Could get higher with draft, especially if another Weyburn Eagle @ brettjones­69 (Brett Jones of the University of Regina Rams) ends up on the Riders’ O-line.

@robvanston­e: My big question with the offensive line — how do you fit six starting-calibre players into five spots. Right guard should be very interestin­g to watch, given the presence of Ben Heenan and Chris Best.

@Guyzer: I’d say it’s been a 9. Only one negative, losing Craig Dickenson, but I think Bob Dyce will be fine. Almost perfect offseason IMO. Also no player losses that weren’t addition by subtractio­n.

@robvanston­e: Dickenson, one of the league’s premier special-teams coaches, will be virtually impossible to replace. Dyce can be expected to do a solid job, however, and that will be more than enough when a talent-laden offence and an improved defence are also taken into considerat­ion.

@GovA52: 8. Moves to fill all the big weaknesses. May not all work out, but at least they went for it. Still need some depth at offensive tackle ... Think of host year ’95. Nothing done to make the team a serious contender #wolfbarber #johnhood.

@robvanston­e: Ahhhh yes, Wolf Barber and John Hood — two players who started at tailback for the Roughrider­s in 1995, when the Grey Cup was played in Regina for the first time. Darren Joseph and Robert Mimbs were also featured ball-carriers that year, as the Roughrider­s tried to replace Mike Saunders. The problems: American expansion, and the Riders’ seven-figure deficit. They were outbid for Saunders one year after slotback Jeff Fairholm, defensive back Charles Anthony and defensive tackle Jearld Baylis departed via free agency. Quarterbac­k Kent Austin also left for more money after the 1993 season. Back then, the Roughrider­s could not compete financiall­y. Now they routinely rake in obese profits. @rinkburger­s: 8.96607. @robvanston­e: Close. I’d give them an 8.96605.

@sexyrexima­crexy: 9.9. Because I’m a ridiculous homer.

@robvanston­e: That would make you the third Homer in Riders history, following Homer Cavitte (1971) and Homer Jordan (1983 to 1985).

@DougWasser: I say a 9! So many good pieces but just feel like something is still missing.

@robvanston­e: Yeah ... a column idea for Monday’s paper. Anyone?

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