Regina Leader-Post

Certified Lego artist created own job


There are a lot of great jobs.

Lead guitarist, movie reviewer and Prince of Wales come to mind.

This one has to be right up there: profession­al Lego builder.

“Find your passion and do it,” Lego pro Robin Sather said from his home in Abbotsford, B.C. “Life’s short. Don’t put it off until you have more time to do it. Do it.”

Sather makes a living travelling around Canada building with Lego: for corporatio­ns, museums, schools, malls, you name it.

In 2004 Sather, who worked in IT at the time, wrote a white paper, which he pitched to Lego to travel around and, you know, play with Lego and be paid.

Lego loved the idea and hired him as its first independen­t contractor, or Lego Certified Profession­al.

Sather is still the only profession­al in Canada, but he’s been joined by three in the U.S. and 13 worldwide.

About 20 per cent of his income comes directly from the Lego corporatio­n; the rest from private commission­s.

“I’m an independen­t contractor,” he said.

“There’s a lot of demand for cool Lego stuff to happen.”

He was paid, for example, by the Tillicum Centre in Victoria to build a B.C. Ferries-sponsored coast-class transporte­r.

“People think I get to play every day and, in a way, I do. It’s something I love to do, but it’s still work — there’s a lot of planning involved.”

 ??  ?? Robin Sather of Abbotsford, B.C., is Canada’s only Lego Certified Profession­al, a job
he created for himself.
Robin Sather of Abbotsford, B.C., is Canada’s only Lego Certified Profession­al, a job he created for himself.

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