Regina Leader-Post

Mackay says troop mission to Haiti is diplomatic


OTTAWA — The Conservati­ve government has no plans to re-embrace peacekeepi­ng despite sending 34 soldiers to serve alongside Brazilian blue helmets in Haiti, Defence Minister Peter MacKay said Wednesday.

Canada’s role in peacekeepi­ng has dropped off precipitou­sly over the past decade, to the point where the country ranked 57th out of 114 troop-contributi­ng nations with 132 personnel deployed on UN operations in February. That number is deceiving, however, as 100 were police officers and only 20 were soldiers.

The decade-long commitment to Afghanista­n has been blamed for the move away from peacekeepi­ng, though the pending withdrawal of all Canadian soldiers next March has left soldiers wondering where their next mission will be.

Re-announced by MacKay on Wednesday, the deployment of a platoon to the UN peacekeepi­ng mission in Haiti until December more than doubles the number of Canadian troops deployed on peacekeepi­ng missions.

That continues a long tradition of Canadians wearing blue helmets in the strife-torn island nation over the past 20 years. But MacKay was quick to confirm that Canada wasn’t re-upping with the UN in any significan­t way, but that the mission was part of a larger effort to help Haiti while strengthen­ing ties with the emerging political, economic and military powerhouse that is Brazil.

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