Regina Leader-Post

Harper predicts Keystone pipeline will be built


OTTAWA — Prime Minister Stephen Harper has predicted the contentiou­s Keystone XL pipeline will someday get approval from the United States — even if the Obama administra­tion rejects the project and Canada has to continue its “fight” in the future.

Harper made the comments in an interview with CNBC recorded while he was in New York City earlier this week.

The interview was broadcast Friday, and the sharp tone of his remarks was similar to other comments made at a gathering of business people Thursday, when he said Canada would not “take no for an answer” as the U.S. looks at whether to give Keystone the green light.

Harper went even further in his interview with CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo, who asked whether Canada has a “plan B” should U.S. President Barack Obama prevent the constructi­on of the proposed pipeline from Alberta to the Gulf Coast.

“We will keep pushing for it,” said Harper. “Look, we will not abandon this. Because this is in the interest of both of our countries.”

Harper said the pipeline has “lots of support” in the U.S. — from business, labour and “the population at large.”

“Every state through the pipeline route is now in favour of it. So this is not the kind of thing we can accept a no on.

“If ultimately there were a no, the fight will go on until it is accepted. And it will be accepted eventually.”

The aggressive tone of Harper’s remarks — and the fact they were made on U.S. soil — represent the most direct challenge yet to Obama.

The president has disparaged the project, claiming it will create few jobs and that it could lead to the expansion of the oilsands industry, resulting in excessive emissions of greenhouse gases.

Obama’s stance has been welcomed by a broad alliance of U.S. environmen­tal groups that have made TransCanad­a’s proposed pipeline a symbol of their struggle to reduce atmospheri­c emissions linked to climate change.

Their main argument is that because oilsands extraction and refining produce up to three times more carbon emissions than convention­al oil, any pipeline that would allow the expansion of the oilsands should be denied a permit. The oilsands are Canada’s single largest producer of greenhouse gases. Their emissions are predicted to more than double over the next 10 years.

In a Q&A session with the Canadian American Business Council on Thursday, Harper stressed he wasn’t going to give up on Keystone.

“My view is that you don’t take ‘no’ for an answer,” he said. “We haven’t had that (refusal) but if we were … that won’t be final. It won’t be final until (the pipeline) is approved and we will keep pushing forward.”

He argued that economic, environmen­tal and energy security facts all support the ultimate approval of the 1,900-kilometre cross-border pipeline.

“So I think the logic behind this project is simply overwhelmi­ng,” he said.

 ??  ?? In a CNBC interview Friday Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Canada would someday get the OK to transport oil to the U.S., via a cross-border pipeline.
In a CNBC interview Friday Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Canada would someday get the OK to transport oil to the U.S., via a cross-border pipeline.

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