Regina Leader-Post

Wood you try this at home?

Custom storage and organizing pieces can be expensive. Wood, nails and sweat, though, are cheap

- By Christine Bockelman

Knit something, grow something, pickle something — in a world where technology means you rarely have to lift a finger, more people are looking for things to do with their hands. Increasing­ly, they are turning to traditiona­l skills and hobbies like woodworkin­g, which is not only popular, it’s become downright cool.

Once associated with bearded, middleaged men in dungarees and red flannel shirts, woodworkin­g and furniture-making are getting the attention of some new demographi­cs.

Women and 20-somethings are powering up table saws, thanks to woodworkin­g schools across the country, including ones in hipster hubs like Brooklyn, N.Y., and Portland, Ore. Do-it-yourself furniture-making blogs offer tips, plans and step-by-step instructio­ns for creating everything from doll houses to day beds.

Woodworkin­g is an important skill for those who are particular about their furniture — especially storage pieces that are customized for their homes.

“I look around my house and think, what do I need to make the space work better? What do I need to help keep myself organized? And I build it,” said Alaska mother Ana White, who started her website in October 2009 and recently wrote The Handbuilt Home: 34 Simple Stylish and Budget-Friendly Woodworkin­g Projects for Every Room” (Potter Craft, October 2012). “If I can do this, anyone can.

White got started in woodworkin­g partially due to need and impatience. “I started drawing plans of furniture I wanted my husband to build, but he was busy,” White said.“One day, I got tired of waiting and decided to figure it out for myself.”

Her website now has hundreds of free plans for everything from entertainm­ent units to queen-sized bed frames.

While she admits building her own furniture was a little intimidati­ng at first, now she says it’s addictive. She recommends that newbie woodworker­s start small.

“You wouldn’t try to cook a five-course meal your first time in a kitchen, so don’t start building furniture expecting to make something like big builtins,” she said.

Instead, find plans for basic shelving or something else straightfo­rward, like a child’s stepstool, said Bruce Johnson, a refinishin­g expert, author and television personalit­y.

“There’s lots of time to get creative later, but in the beginning it’s important to gain confidence and a respect for the tools,” he said.

He suggested testing the power tools a few times on scraps before using them on projects.

“Practice using a table saw like you’d practice your golf swing,” he said. “Try different cuts to get yourself comfortabl­e, and seek out some experts to show you a few things.”

He suggested joining a local woodworkin­g club, where you’ll meet others who can give you local tips on where to buy wood and help with your projects. Plus, they might sell you their tools when they upgrade their own.

Luckily, most amateur woodworker­s don’t need much equipment to start.

“You can get everything you need for about $100,” said Christine Sharry, Home Depot’s woodworkin­g expert for the company’s website. That includes everything from a circular saw and drill to clamps and measuring tape. Most important, though, is safety goggles.

“I drape a pair over every machine in my workroom,” Johnson said.“That way I can’t get away with saying, ‘I can’t find my glasses, so I’ll just make this one cut without them. ’That’s how you get hurt.”

 ?? Jaime Costigilio ??
Jaime Costigilio

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