Regina Leader-Post

Libyan leader abducted by militia


TRIPOLI, Libya — The abduction was brief but still audacious: Gunmen from one of Libya’s many militias stormed a hotel where the prime minister has a residence and held him for several hours Thursday — apparently in retaliatio­n for his government’s alleged collusion with the U.S. in a raid last weekend that captured an al-Qaida suspect.

The brazen seizure of Prime Minister Ali Zidan heightened the alarm over the power of unruly militias that virtually hold the weak central government hostage. Many of the militias include Islamic militants and have ideologies similar to al-Qaida’s. The armed bands regularly use violence to intimidate officials to sway policies, gunning down security officials and kidnapping their relatives. At the same time, the state relies on militias to act as security forces, since the police and military remain in disarray after dictator Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown and killed in 2011. The militias are rooted in the brigades that fought in the uprising and are often referred to as “revolution­aries.”

Many militias are paid by the Defence or Interior ministries — which are in charge of the military and police respective­ly — although the ministries are still unable to control them.

Not only was Zidan abducted by militiamen who officially work in a state body, it took other militias to rescue him by storming the site where he was held in the capital.

“The abduction is like the shock that awakened Libyans. Facts on the ground now are clearer than never before: Libya is ruled by militias,” said prominent rights campaigner Hassan al-Amin.

Zidan’s abduction came before dawn Thursday, when about 150 gunmen in pickup trucks stormed the luxury Corinthia Hotel in downtown Tripoli, witnesses told The Associated Press. They swarmed into the lobby and some charged up to Zidan’s residence on the 21st floor.

The gunmen scuffled with Zidan’s guards before they seized him and led him out at about 5:15 a.m., said the witnesses, speaking on condition of anonymity because they feared for their own safety.

 ??  ?? Ali Zidan
Ali Zidan

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