Regina Leader-Post


- By Holiday

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2013 Mercury Enters Capricorn

Mercury will slip into Capricorn under the watchful eye of the Virgo moon. Under these stars, perfection is not impossible -- it happens -- but it’s fleeting and not worth chasing down once the moment is gone. Go for “beautiful” instead. “Beautiful” has flaws, even glaring ones, all to be adored and embraced as essential elements of beauty.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). When you think of an event as large and important, you show up looking as you want to be seen. It’s the nonevents that show you exactly as you are, and that’s the way they love you most.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). As the sign of the bull, you know that those who take life by the horns put themselves in a dangerous position. You respond best to those who lead with enticement­s instead of trying to use force.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re certain, confident and unlikely to make mistakes. What you do, you do with purpose. Your first order of business is to make someone very, very happy.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Anyone who is as good of a listener as you are is bound to get mixed messages from time to time. You’ll unify informatio­n into one crystal-clear intention that’s best for all involved.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Don’t worry about coming up with some positive thoughts and ideas to guide you into an enhanced experience. Getting the old ideas out is the real challenge. Once you do that, new ideas come rushing in.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The day may feel like a train ride -- it’s going 50 mph, and when it stops, you’ll be at your destinatio­n. As for the ride itself, it feels very similar to the experience of sitting still.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Avoid over-thinking the many details involved now, as this only will serve to diminish your enjoyment. To stay merry, focus on the bigger picture, continuing to think in terms of what you’ve done and can do for others.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’ll see your opportunit­y and know at a deep and basic level that you have to go for it. You have a healthy respect for the dangers involved, but that won’t keep you from taking a risk.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The person you think of as a friend or relation thinks of you as competitio­n. You can still have a healthy relationsh­ip, but first you may have to make it clear that you’re not interested in the game.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Before you declare something damaged beyond repair, try again to make it right. Start by assuming it’s not broken to begin with and that it just needs to be put together the right way.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Loved ones need your wisdom. Tell them that being aware of a problem is the first step toward making it better, but not if they’re just going to complain about it. Urge them to work together.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). It may seem that your goals are slipping away, but this is just a matter of perspectiv­e. Have faith that all is on track and inching slowly forward. You’ll notice the progress days from now.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. 24). Your stellar work ethic allows you to enjoy comforts you’ve long wanted to experience. A special person makes you see things differentl­y and could inspire you to move, redecorate or shift your profession­al focus. Accomplish­ments of your family will reflect favorably on you. March and August are best for travel. Cancer and Aries people adore you. Your lucky numbers

are: 11, 28, 30, 4 and 13.

HOLIDAY STRESS RELIEVERS: So many feel spent and blue in December. What can you do to counteract holiday stress?

PISCES: Pisces is the sign of the healing touch. This evolved spirit has ways of making people feel better, though the actual methods are mysterious even to the Pisces delivering health, comfort and relief. The intuitive knowledge that Pisces possesses doesn’t have a logical language. Pisces can speak the language of love. Under favorable circumstan­ces, Pisces naturally exudes this healing energy. But when Pisces is feeling stressed, who relieves the fish’s tension?

The answer is never too distant or difficult. Pisces will easily find the right relief once this sign recognizes a need for it. Focused on the feelings and moods of others, Pisces has a difficult time tuning in to his or her own requiremen­ts. The first step in de-stressing is to decide that it’s important. The second step is to reach out and touch someone. Touch in the form of a hug, handholdin­g, cuddling, massage therapy and more will relieve anxiety, reduce irritabili­ty and promote a feeling of calm well-being.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Radio star, television personalit­y and producer extraordin­aire Ryan Seacrest is arguably the busiest man in Hollywood. This hardworkin­g Capricorn was born when the sun, Mercury and Venus were all in Capricorn, the sign of public standing and business savvy. A tenacious Taurus moon ruled the day on which he was born. His Jupiter in Pisces indicates great empathy and compassion.

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2013 Harmonious Libra Moon

In Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,” the apparition of Jacob Marley, burdened by chains of greed, influenced Ebenezer Scrooge to embrace the generous callings of the day. Mercury newly in Capricorn takes finances a bit too seriously, but the message of the harmonious Libra moon will prevail: “Peace on Earth, and good will to all.”

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You can’t really create an experience for others, because so much of it happens inside their heads. Put the elements in place, and then stand back and feel merry about it. That’s enough. There will be smiles all around.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You will enjoy friends and family, and yet the most important connection of the day is one you make in your mind, heart and soul as you answer a spiritual calling.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). If your expectatio­ns are low, they will be met and exceeded. If your expectatio­ns are high, they still may be exceeded, but it won’t be as much fun, so keep them low.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). You may quibble about the particular­s, but ultimately you will wind up in agreement with your dear ones. You will bond over traditions founded in love and generosity.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You may feel pressure to perform today, but really, you don’t have to. Relax and be happy. Believe that all that is supposed to happen will. Be ready to take pictures.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). When A interacts with B, a change happens in B that causes a change in A. Since everything is in a state of flux, it’s rather futile to try to assess the situation. You are happiest when you just live it instead.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’ll enjoy witnessing people get what they want and will derive satisfacti­on and contentmen­t from those moments. Savor that feeling, and model

it for others.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Let everything you do point in the direction of excellent health. Feeling good is the essence of happiness. You’ll start to formulate resolution­s for the new year with this in mind.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The events of the day are just what you need to change a mental pattern. The normal flow will be interrupte­d, and a flood of happy feelings will rush in to fill any empty space

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You will interpret all that happens in a positive way and will be inclined to perpetuate an attitude and atmosphere of kindness, compassion and love for all beings.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Children make your day. You’ll mostly have fun, but even in so doing, you are a respected teacher, sharing your brand of connection and laughter. You’ll learn, too.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your nature is charitable and caring. When you do what comes naturally, others interpret this as a gift. And when you make an even bigger effort, the response will be overwhelmi­ngly joyful.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. 25). Those you meet in January highlight your outgoing, fun-loving nature. February begins a project that will continue through 2014. A temporary move in March helps you understand how others live. You’re able to give loved ones a valuable gift in May. Your best luck in sales and business comes in June and October. Libra and Leo people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 30, 29, 13, 41 and 16.

A HOLIDAY WISH FROM HOLIDAY: As the new year opens before you, may your way be lit by starlight. My wishes for you... I wish ARIES the courage to dream bigger than last year -- your increased energy and stamina will make more possible. May TAURUS find enriching companions­hip, as you are overdue to be lavished with affection. To GEMINI, I sincerely hope you know the favorable impact of your lightheart­edness -- keep doing what makes you feel joyful. I wish CANCER the team support your grand plans so richly deserve. For LEO, I wish an enthusiast­ic audience to celebrate your creative spirit. I wish VIRGO a sensor for quality people who will keep promises and deliver results just as you do. May LIBRA react wisely to make the most of the felicitous events coming your way. I wish SCORPIO a wonder-filled mind to see the full array of possibilit­ies. May SAGITTARIU­S adjust quickly to the changes next month that will keep the adventure exciting. For CAPRICORN, I wish inspired care from the loved ones you tend to so generously. I wish AQUARIUS stellar advice for investing the money you come into in February. May PISCES be imbued with self-belief and the confidence to seize the ripe opportunit­ies of the new year.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Robert Ripley was a traveler, a cartoonist, an entreprene­ur and an amateur anthropolo­gist who shared his wonderfill­ed worldview through his exploratio­n of little known facts, impressive records, exotic customs and other oddities. This Capricorn explorer was a Christmas baby born when Venus, the planet of favorite people, places and things, was in Sagittariu­s, the sign of adventures.

If you would like to write to Holiday Mathis, please go to www. and click on “Write the Author” on the Holiday Mathis page, or you may send her a postcard in the mail. To find out more about Holiday Mathis and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at COPYRIGHT 2013 CREATORS.COM

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