Regina Leader-Post

Flying high with the Beebs


In the good old days, rock stars threw TV sets into hotel swimming pools, bit the heads off live chickens, choked to death on their own vomit, and generally knew how to party.

And maybe that heroic age is not over:

On a private flight to the New York area last week, NBC News reports, Justin Bieber and his posse filled their leased Gulfstream IV with so much marijuana smoke that the pilots needed oxygen masks to avoid a contact high.

Beebs, his father, and 10 friends were heading to Teeterboro, N.J., “from Canada,” NBC says. (As all Americans know, Canada has only one airport. But I digress.)

Also, Justin and his dad were so rude to their flight attendant that she hid out in the cockpit, the story says. Swift silence: Taylor Swift tells Glamour mag she knows it’s best to keep quiet when she’s angry: “Silence speaks so much louder than screaming tantrums. Never give anyone an excuse to say that you’re crazy.”

Mind you, if you really get her mad she’ll write a song about you… What’s the deal with white males?: Jerry Seinfeld will have put the cat among the pigeons with his comments the other day about diversity in comedy.

During a Buzzfeed interview, Jerry was asked why pretty much everybody in his web series, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, is white and male.

He was candid: Such a question “really pisses me off,” he said. “People think (comedy) is the census or something; it’s gotta represent the actual pie chart of America. Who cares?”

There was more: “Funny is the world that I live in. You’re funny, I’m interested. You’re not funny, I’m not interested. I have no interest in gender or race or anything like that.”

He’ll pay for that. Them’s fightin’ words: You know the adage that if you compare your opponent to Hitler, you lose the argument? Well, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter is offering us a fine chance to update it.

For many months he’s been feuding with Gwyneth Paltrow, in one of those celebrity knife-fights that just by coincidenc­e keeps both their Q-scores up.

But this feud is real, sort of: Carter keeps promising a tell-all profile of Gwynnie — somebody called it an “epic takedown”— so she asked her friends to refuse to talk to the mag.

She seems to be winning. There’s been no article yet.

Now Carter, in his editor’s letter in the annual Hollywood edition, complains that Paltrow’s decree to her friends was extreme: North Korean dictator “Kim Jong-un couldn’t have issued a more blanket demand.”

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 ?? ROBYN BECK/Getty Images ?? Taylor Swift says staying silent is always the right tactic when you’re
ROBYN BECK/Getty Images Taylor Swift says staying silent is always the right tactic when you’re angry.
 ??  ?? Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber
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