Regina Leader-Post

You’ve got to have heart to make art


In the closing months of the Second World War, a group of Allied art experts was drafted for an unusual role: to save culture.

During the war, Hitler had looted museums and Jewish homes and was transporti­ng thousands of treasures — masterpiec­es by Degas and Rembrandt, priceless statuary, religious artifacts — back to Germany.

The art hunters were called the monuments men, because they were looking for monuments as well as paintings. They were seeking to preserve an artistic history that was being stolen.

“Who will make sure the statue of David is still standing or the Mona Lisa is still smiling?,” asks Frank Stokes (George Clooney), an American expert who pitches the plan to President Roosevelt in The Monuments Men, an old-fashioned — not to say hopelessly square — movie about a different kind of war.

It’s significan­t that Stokes’ speech floats on the wings of a musical accompanim­ent (by Alexandre Desplat) that sounds like an early try at The Battle Hymn of the Republic. The Monuments Men underlines the big moments with trumpets and the sad ones with violins; indeed, the whole movie is like that. Its heroes are resolute, but modest. The Germans are dastardly. People die, but none of them are American There’s not a hint of sex, although at one stage, the rather continenta­l French Resistance fighter Claire Simone (Cate Blanchett, with a French accent that comes and goes) makes a pass at square-jawed American curator James Granger (Matt Damon, whose bad French is explained by the fact that he learned it in Quebec). The erotic moment doesn’t work out, but you can probably guess that it won’t from the fact that Granger is wearing a short-sleeve shirt and tie at the time.

Clooney, who also co-wrote and directed the film, sets it up like a sort of well-meaning version of Oceans 11, or The Magnificen­t 7, or The Dirty Dozen, or any of those number movies where groups of men are recruited for an impossible job. In this case, however, they come without any of the special abilities that can give such stories a guilty twist of pleasure.

Granger, who has no discernibl­e personalit­y, is sent to talk to Simone to see if he can find out what she knows about the looted art, but there’s nothing very interestin­g about their relationsh­ip aside from Blanchett’s look of Gallic disdain. Bill Murray and Bob Balaban are paired as odd-couple architects roaring around Europe looking for the works. John Goodman and Jean Dujardin team up to cover the rest of the continent. The actors are fine, but the characters are bland.

They all seem to be killing time until the action begins, but since they’re not really soldiers, there’s not much of that. The tension comes in a frantic hunt for two Belgian works that were stolen by the Nazis — the Ghent altarpiece, an important Catholic artifact, and a Madonna and child sculpted by Michelange­lo and on display in Bruges. The monuments men must get them before the Russians, who are also recovering stolen art, but instead of returning it, are taking it home as reparation­s.

On top of that, Hitler has issued orders that if the war is going badly — and it is — all the art is to be destroyed. Hundreds of canvasses by artists the Nazis viewed as corrupt, such as Picasso, have already been burned.

It’s a drama with much tragic potential, but The Monuments Men feels like it’s taking place on the edge of a larger tragedy. You never feel stirred, although you can understand Clooney’s attraction to the material: it takes place at a time of American decency — not to say all-American decency — and good deeds and an understand­ing of what the past means.

“If you destroy their achievemen­ts and their history, it’s like they never existed,” Frank says. The soundtrack is playing what sounds like it could be the national anthem of The Grand Duchy of Fenwick, but the words ring true.

 ?? SONY PICTURES ?? Dimitri Leonidas, left, John Goodman, George Clooney, Matt Damon and Bob Balaban as
they appear in the George-Clooney directed The Monuments Men.
SONY PICTURES Dimitri Leonidas, left, John Goodman, George Clooney, Matt Damon and Bob Balaban as they appear in the George-Clooney directed The Monuments Men.

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