Regina Leader-Post



- BB Holida B

Powerful Aquarius Sun

Mercury won’t help out today, but the caring Aquarius sun, undaunted, suggests that you can still build your power by helping people get what they need or want. Be careful not to use force when you could use power. Force is draining. It’s built on a system of reward and punishment that doesn’t sustain itself. Power creates energy.

ARIES (March 21-April 19).

As far as your communicat­ion goes, you’re a regular Hemmingway today, in the mood to get right to the point with short declarativ­e statements. Simple statements of fact lead to success.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).

Those who set out to impress people often miss the mark; whereas, those who set out to impress themselves are often fascinatin­g. That’s one more reason to follow your bliss.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).

You’ve been known to put yourself in stressful situations just to see whether you can find your way out. Of course you can! And you’ll do it with grace, too. This is how you become stronger.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).

You deserve your own love and attention just as much as anyone else on the planet. This is a difficult thing for you to accept, as you have become so used to helping your loved ones, but it’s something to strongly consider today.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).

Relationsh­ips without common interests can’t thrive. You may have to stretch and try something new, but don’t stretch too much. A common interest should be something you both are genuinely interested in.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).

When you love someone, it’s easy to walk side by side with that person because there’s no place you would rather be. The one who walks ahead or drags behind is signaling a problem that needs to be addressed.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).

Every day, you are becoming more aware of who your loved ones are and what they are likely to do. Good, considerin­g the misery and futility that come from expecting another person to be anything other than who they are.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).

As beings, we’re perfect in spirit and flawed in our humanity, and that’s the beauty of it. Give yourself permission to stop worrying about those flaws for the day.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).

You’ll empathize with the suffering of others and feel relief when conflicts are resolved, even when it’s happening in the make-believe context of movies and television.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).

You dream of greatness, and you’ll achieve it by taking it one small step at a time. Grandiose goals won’t help you today. Don’t give them up, but do focus on the small, sensible improvemen­ts that can be made.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).

The No. 1 job of the day is to manage your emotions. You’re a leader now, and people are looking to you for cues about how they should behave. When you model calm confidence, everything else falls into place.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).

Noise or hurry will make it more difficult for you to communicat­e, but you can solve the problem easily. Slow down, go where it’s quiet, and say what you need to say.


This is the month when you are in your power, so ask for what you want. Your manner of dealing with stress changes this year, and the new, healthier coping mechanisms lead to a happy event in March. April shows you winning a competitio­n. Your travels in May increase the flow of love into your realm. Cancer and Leo people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 13, 8, 49, 36 and 41.


ARIES: Loved ones have a way of getting under your skin, but stay calm. TAURUS: It makes you so happy when loved ones take the time to really listen to you. GEMINI: Your ideas are stellar, but loved ones may stubbornly resist -- their loss. CANCER: Sometimes winning is letting the other person save face. LEO: Emotional muscle tone comes from practicing unconditio­nal love even when you don’t want to. VIRGO: Maybe you do have all of the love you need inside of yourself, but you still like it when others are outwardly affectiona­te. LIBRA: You can never have too many nice people in your life, which is why you’ll consider taking a relationsh­ip from acquaintan­ceship to friendship. SCORPIO: The way you feel about your family of origin has bearing on relationsh­ip events. SAGITTARIU­S: The loving things you do will mean more than the loving things you say. CAPRICORN: Patience and love go hand in hand. AQUARIUS: The one you’re closest to has a way of pushing your buttons in both good and bad ways. PISCES: You want your love to be happy, but you might not want to do the thing this person is requesting of you now.


The moon in Gemini and the sun in Aquarius is a time of bright ideas, one of the brightest being a union of these two signs. Gemini and Aquarius are two air signs who could talk, dance and laugh these weekend nights away. They have much to discuss, and favorite topics include the future, their travels and their friends. They will be too energized by each other’s company to grow tired.

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