Regina Leader-Post

Catholics tell Pope they back abortion and contracept­ion


ROME — Roman Catholics are divided on issues such as divorce and birth control amid widespread resentment at church teachings, two separate surveys have found.

In a rare attempt at openness, the Vatican sent out questionna­ires to parishes worldwide in November before a synod due to discuss the family this October.

Results from several countries have now been released, showing that, in Switzerlan­d, 90 per cent of respondent­s called on the church to lift its refusal to give communion to divorcees who remarry.

In Germany, bishops said the survey showed that Catholics viewed the communion ban for divorcees as “unjustifie­d discrimina­tion and … merciless.”

German respondent­s also rejected church bans on premarital and gay sex and birth control.

The church-backed news service SIR reported that Swiss respondent­s were in “dramatic disagreeme­nt” with the church’s ban on contracept­ion, while the Catholic Church in Luxembourg warned that results from the survey were “alarming” and showed the importance given to church teaching was in “free fall.”

The decision to carry out the survey reflects Pope Francis’s promise to listen to Catholics’ concerns, but there are fears that such openness could open a Pandora’s box of dissent.

The second, private poll of 12,000 Catholics in 12 countries showed that 78 per cent backed contracept­ion, rising to more than 90 per cent in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Spain and France. The private poll, carried out for Univision, a Spanish-language TV station in the United States, found that 50 per cent said priests should be able to marry, 51 per cent favour female priests and 65 per cent said abortions should be allowed — eight per cent in all cases, and 57 per cent in some cases, including when a mother’s life is at risk.

However, the Pope has said he has little intention of altering Vatican rules, despite complainin­g in September that the Catholic Church has been “obsessed” with issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage and contracept­ion.

Announcing the Vatican’s 39-question survey last year, the co-ordinator of the synod, Cardinal Peter Erdo, said: “We don’t have a desire to reopen all the discussion on Catholic doctrine.”

But Archbishop Bruno Forte, the synod’s Italian secretary general, added that if respondent­s were unanimous “we will have to reflect, pray and (the Pope) will shed light on it.”

On one front — divorced worshipper­s — the Pope has appeared open to change, telling Polish bishops on Friday that priests “are called to ask themselves how to help (divorced couples), so that they don’t feel excluded from the mercy of God.”

Priests, he added, must work out “how to help (divorced and separated couples) not abandon their faith and raise their children in the fullness of the Christian experience.”

Following moves last year by German bishops to break ranks and give communion to divorced and remarried Catholics, the head of the Vatican’s Congregati­on for the Doctrine of the Faith reiterated the Holy See’s firm opposition to the move.

On the issue of homosexual­ity, the Pope drew widespread praise last year when he claimed: “If someone is gay and seeks the Lord with good will, who am I to judge?”

However, the church firmly rules out approval for same-sex marriage and it appears to have the support of Catholics, with 66 per cent voicing their disapprova­l in the Univision poll.

 ?? TIZIANA FABITIZIAN­A FABI/Getty Images ?? Pope Francis addresses the crowd from the window of his apartment during his Sunday Angelus prayer in Vatican City.
TIZIANA FABITIZIAN­A FABI/Getty Images Pope Francis addresses the crowd from the window of his apartment during his Sunday Angelus prayer in Vatican City.

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