Regina Leader-Post


- BB Holiday

The swelling Cancer moon is a mood ring, ready to show the colors of our feelings at the slightest provocatio­n. But before you demonstrat­e the emotions running through your veins, remember how quickly they are likely to pass. Assuming that you may only feel a certain way for an extremely short time, is it something you still ARIES want (March to share? 21-April 19). Someone you love is having a problem, not being a problem. You’ll feel more like helping out once you make the distinctio­n. Together, you’ll figure out what is needed to get free from the situation.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Go easy on yourself. To expect the same amount of productivi­ty to come out of each day is unreasonab­le. Your energy fluctuates, and so do the world’s demands on it.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You are a busy person, but you are careful not to rudely project this, as you believe that each person you connect with is worthy of your best attention for a while, however brief that window may be.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Motivation is wonderful when it happens, but don’t expect it to happen. Work whether you feel motivated or not, and you’ll win a prize you didn’t even know existed.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Over the next four days, your knack for presenting things will come in handy. Today you’ll start the preliminar­y work. You know what it takes to be heard and to have your ideas acted on.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You have news to deliver. Should you be straight up or diplomatic? Instead of doing what feels most comfortabl­e to you, consider the other person’s feelings and personalit­y first.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). There is safety in numbers, but there’s little to be gained by acting as part of a clique. You’ll achieve your best results by adopting an inclusive manner and reaching out to all.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). There will be many around you who are aware enough to point out problems, but not creative or generous enough to offer solutions. Try to align with those who have the best attitude.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec.

about 21). You a may situation, be largely and yet ambivalent you are also to the aware others of involved how rude if it you might were seem to show CAPRICORN your true feelings.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ll make a cogent argument for your case, and yet there is more involved for the decision makers than logic and intelligen­ce can reach.

Passion will win in the end.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll be taking part in an informal negotiatio­n. You’ll get the most out of this by asking for what you realistica­lly think you can get. When in doubt, discuss your options with a Libra.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The project before you is massive, but your attitude is stellar, and so you should face this one undaunted. Anyway, it doesn’t matter where you start; any small action will get you into the thick of it.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 10). You have a style all your own, and people will understand and praise it. A relationsh­ip gets stronger and sweeter in March. Your top goal will be realized in May -- and the prize is evidence of where your priorities lie, so do choose carefully where you aim yourself this spring! April and July bring financial bonuses. Aries and Scorpio people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 50, 3, 23 and 47.


RETROGRADE: Mercury retrograde­s can be like classrooms that offer the chance to review our way of relating to people and the world at large and to try to pick up new tools and improve upon our skills. The current Mercury retrograde starts in Pisces and backs into Aquarius on February 12th. In Pisces, Mercury is deeply empathetic and highly impression­able. Mercury in Aquarius continues the theme with a heavy social conscience and the desire to connect with many friends.

During this Pisces part of the retrograde, it may be difficult to discern between the two kinds of problems there are in this world: My Problems and Your Problems. When you help people, you decide to make some of their problems your own. Before you do this, consider:

1. Does the person really want help? Sometimes people just want to complain and be the victim. Helping a person who is invested in this role is futile. If you are able to help, the remedy will last only a very short amount of time -- until the one you helped can come up with a new problem, possibly one that is worse than the one before. More on this tomorrow.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: The extremely versatile Aquarian actress Elizabeth Banks is in high demand and riding out one of the busiest cycles of her entertainm­ent career with projects as varied as the chilling “Hunger Games” saga, “The Lego Movie,” the comedy “Walk of Shame” and more. Six bright air signs dominate Banks’ natal chart indicating a lofty IQ, though her Venus in grounded Capricorn assures she’ll never flaunt it.

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