Regina Leader-Post

Alberta NDP suspends MLA over comments


CALGARY — A new MLA who has been at the centre of controvers­y since she was elected has been booted from the NDP caucus by premier-designate Rachel Notley over a homophobic remark under a picture.

Deborah Drever, elected May 5 in the Calgary-Bow riding, was suspended Friday for an image posted on her Instagram account featuring Tories Ric McIver and Jim Prentice with the phrase “Gay boyz” written underneath it.

The account has been deleted, but the image was circulatin­g on social media.

In a statement, Notley, who will be sworn in as premier on Sunday, issued an apology. “I apologize to all Albertans for the homophobic statements contained in this image, which are completely contrary to the views of our party and our future government,” she said.

Drever, a 26-year-old Mount Royal University student, had previously attracted criticism for posing for a picture on the 2012 cover of the heavy metal album, Fear of Attack. In the image, it appears she is about to assaulted by a person with a bottle while other men restrain her, leading observers to raise concerns the picture promoted sexual violence.

On Wednesday, Notley said Drever had apologized to her for that picture. The incoming premier said she had assigned Drever to reach out to groups that work with vulnerable women as a way to make amends.

Notley held out the possibilit­y of Drever eventually rejoining the NDP caucus.

“I hope Ms. Drever will take to heart our conversati­on earlier this week about her responsibi­lity to speak out clearly on issues of violence against women, and homophobia,” said Notley.

“If she does so as part of her duties to her constituen­ts, I’ll review this matter in the coming year and consider whether she has a future in our caucus.”

Drever had already come under fire for photos posted on her now deleted Facebook page. In one, she posed in front of a T-shirt promoting marijuana, while in another, someone — Drever said it was not her — is giving the finger to the Canadian flag.

There have been online petitions circulatin­g calling for Drever to resign as MLA. The rookie MLA told The Canadian Press this week she regretted the album cover photo.

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Deborah Drever

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