Regina Leader-Post

Mayor reaffirms council’s support of bypass


Mayor Michael Fougere has restated city council’s “strong support” for the Regina bypass project in light of a councillor’s criticisms of its cost.

The Office of the Mayor sent out a press release Monday afternoon on the heels of a Leader-Post article in which Coun. Shawn Fraser expressed concerns with the bypass.

“Councillor Fraser had made some personal comments — not the position of council — and I just thought it was important that in a public way we state the strong support that we have: The long-standing support that Regina council has for a bypass, and strong support for this bypass project,” said Fougere of the press release’s timing.

The mayor made clear that, “Councillor­s have their own opinion on everything, so this is not unusual. There’s no new issue here at all.” Still, he said he wanted to make sure the public knew council formally supports the project.

Fraser called for the cancellati­on of some elements of the project in light of the most recent cost estimates for the bypass: $1.88 billion, more than $600 million more than the previously cited price tag.

The last time the bypass came before city council, in March, councillor­s were asked to vote on a cost-sharing agreement with the province to pay for two of the interchang­es.

“The project has changed significan­tly since the time it was before council last and now,” Fraser said, “and I’ve always believed that speaking up about issues that are important to our city is part of my job as a city councillor.”

Fougere would not comment on his colleague’s concerns over the cost of the project, saying the bypass is not being funded by the municipal government.

Fraser disagreed: As taxpayers, the bypass’ cost is everyone’s issue, he said.

 ?? BRYAN SCHLOSSER/L-P ?? Mayor Michael Fougere
BRYAN SCHLOSSER/L-P Mayor Michael Fougere

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