Regina Leader-Post

Alta. boy’s bear kill draws flak in U.K.


TORONTO — The latest target of online anti-hunting activists is a northern Alberta boy who shot a bear at his ninth birthday party.

But the newly publicized video of the shooting is so old Reed is now 14 — and his father says the family has become unfair pawns in a crusade against trophy and big-game hunters in a post-Cecil the Lion world.

Britain’s Daily Mirror, which dug up the five-yearold “shocking video” as part of an investigat­ion, describes the children hiding in a “lair” above a group of black bears eating oats from bait traps set by the hunters.

“The delighted lad and four pals then giggled at the grisly birthday party as they chatted about the killing,” the Mirror reports.

But according to Greg Sutley, the video depicts his son Reed’s “coming of age” as he fires a shot into the heart of the oldest and largest black bear, killing it instantly, just as he has been trained to do.

The video wraps by showing the group of boys, dressed in camouflage excitedly recounting their experience, a point Sutley also believes was taken out of context by press across the pond.

“Their excitement is about the hunting experience, it’s not about ‘We’re vicious little kids and we want to kill the bear,’ ” he told the National Post Monday.

“Reed himself has baited those baits (with me) since he was three years old ….

“When all of the work finally pays off and you finally get to shoot your bear, it’s an exciting moment.”

It is legal in Alberta to bait black bears on private land during the spring season, which runs from April 1 to June 30. That’s when the group shot the bear from the top of a tree stand.

As a population balance measure, the province allows licensed hunters to shoot two bears a season. Albertans bought 13,348 black bear hunting licences in 2014 and shot 2,445 black bears, government figures show.

Sutley said it was his idea to mark his son’s birthday by going on a bear hunt. The youngster had already undergone gun safety training with his dad, who teaches these courses, the boy’s friends had permission and wildlife authoritie­s were notified, he said.

“Our whole lives we have grown up with our great-grandpas hunting, my grandpa hunting — that’s how we put food on our table,” he said.

“So we’re passing that down to our kids. And I can promise my kids know more about wildlife than 95 per cent of kids out there.”

He said Reed was “excited and nervous” before shooting the bear — his anticipati­on clearly conveyed in the video.

“Line up on that one,” Sutley can be heard coaching his son, who looked over his shoulder at the camera. “In the centre of the body, in the front shoulder.” “OK,” the boy whispers. A black bear paws at some food laid out on the ground, then turns to walk away.

“Hoo, we could have shot him,” Reed whispers.

The edited video cuts away and returns when two bears are gathered behind the pile of food.

“OK, whenever you’re ready,” Sutley says softly.

“It’s going to be too loud,” Reed says, concerned about the gunfire.

Then he fires and the second bear runs away. “Yeah!” the boy cries out.

Sutley, who owns a hunting outfitter business in the Grande Prairie area, said almost all hunters pose with photos — like Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer did with Cecil the Lion — to “remember their hunt,” and that it’s not the grotesque trophy fetishizat­ion of death people make it out to be.

His website is full of photos of clients and friends posing with their kill.

The video comes as the Wildlife Defence League publicized a separate video of hunters in British Columbia laughing, having just shot a grizzly bear. It ran in Britain’s The Sun under the headline, “Horrifying Footage Show Sick Laughing Mob Shooting Bear to Death.”

The Internet erupted in outrage this summer, when Palmer posed with Cecil, a 13-year-old lion he had just shot in Zimbabwe. The Minnesota dentist returned to work last Tuesday after spending weeks dealing with the fallout of shooting the lion and posting the photo online.

 ?? YOUTUBE ?? A video has been posted online of a youngster shooting dead a bear as a birthday treat. Sitting on a platform along with his friends Reed Sutley watches two bears move in to a clearing before being handed a high-powered hunting rifle. As the bears tuck...
YOUTUBE A video has been posted online of a youngster shooting dead a bear as a birthday treat. Sitting on a platform along with his friends Reed Sutley watches two bears move in to a clearing before being handed a high-powered hunting rifle. As the bears tuck...

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