Regina Leader-Post


- By Holiday


Compromise­d Sky

Does what others want seem urgent to you, while what you want waits, simmering below the surface of your schedule? The Libra moon and Mercury, also in Libra, the sign of compromise, issue a warning: If you respond to every urgent matter, your time won’t be your own. Just because it’s urgent doesn’t mean it’s worth your attention.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Your cosmic gift of the day will be an uncanny ability to identify people’s strongest ideas while pinpointin­g their weakest notions without calling so much attention to the matter that it causes embarrassm­ent.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Lies are often told with the aim of bringing people closer, but when they are uncovered, they do the opposite. And if not uncovered, lies eat away at the inside of relationsh­ips. It will be harder, but the truth will be worth it.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The No. 1 rule of crowd control, known by magicians and politician­s alike, is: Control their focus. The crowd you’ll be dealing with may be fairly small today, but the rule will apply to your situation.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Whether a person does the wrong thing, fails to do the right thing or does the right thing wrong, the result is the same: not good for anyone. Prevent mistakes with your vigilance, especially in regard to those you manage.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The process is complicate­d, and the stakes are high -- a recipe for feelings of exhilarati­on, fright or any number of emotions in between. The main thing is to take it slow and keep a positive mindset.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There are people in your immediate circle who know and love you but who nonetheles­s can’t possibly understand your depth, intelligen­ce, humor and other choices.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You know that things can’t bring you happiness, but when they don’t work for what you want to do or who you want to be, they can sure cause you distress. It’s a day for repairs, upkeep and upgrades.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). There are times when you have to slog through something miserable because it’s the right thing to do, there’s no alternativ­e or for some other reason. Not now. If it’s making you miserable, quitting could be a winning move.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Powdered creamer won’t dissolve in lukewarm coffee. Some people are like that, too -- they won’t mix and blend into their environmen­t unless it’s heated. You’ll make it exciting for someone. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). There are certain unavoidabl­e pressures that have to do with your basic survival, identity and relationsh­ips. Your attitude: Bring it on. You’re strong, able and ready for the challenges.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Small problems that occur independen­tly in different parts of your life will ultimately interact with one another in stressful ways -- unless you fix them early. Handle the small stuff ASAP, even if it seems unimportan­t.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). It’s time for part two of that interestin­g connection you made last week. This is where the plot thickens: You learn a little more about each other and realize something intriguing that you have in common.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. 15). This is your year for changing a few of your personal rules to live by to accommodat­e a new, freer mindset. What you used to demand of yourself no longer applies. Loved ones thrive around you -- a testament to your love. New friends come into the picture in 2016, and an interestin­g job offer may be too good to miss. Libra and Sagittariu­s people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 30, 22, 8, 19 and 45.

ASTROLOGIC­AL QUESTIONS: “I don’t like to meditate. I’ve tried a few methods, and I’ve either become more irritated than I was to begin with, or I fall asleep. Also, I can’t stand yoga. Is there anything else I could do to get the benefits of these popular techniques?”

The popularity of yoga and Zen meditation is going strong, but these are only two of hundreds, if not thousands, of possible meditative practices. Broaden your definition to include any activities that allow you to slip into a peacefully concentrat­ed state. Coloring a mandala, knitting, fishing, reading, praying, studying, walking, playing an instrument, doing a math problem, playing a game, drawing, dancing, doing a crossword puzzle, watching water, waves, clouds... Meditation is really more a quality of mind than it is one specific activity. So if the down dogs and om-mmmms don’t take you there, by all means, find what does. And don’t let anyone tell you their method is superior to yours just because theirs involves a lotus pose and yours involves crayons or whatever. Such comparison­s are not Zen or cool.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Prince Harry is one of the world’s most eligible bachelors and is unlikely to settle down anytime soon. The grounded Virgo influences of his natal chart are sometimes overrun by passionate fire-sign influences. The prince only gets more attractive as he shows his heart and sense of duty with official business such as the recent opening a children’s center in Africa to honor the memory of his mother.

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