Regina Leader-Post

Families divided by war reunite after 60-plus years


SEOUL, South Korea — Hundreds of mostly elderly Koreans — some in wheelchair­s or leaning on walking sticks, most overcome by tears, laughter and shock — began three days of reunions Tuesday with loved ones many have had no contact with since war divided the North and South more than 60 years ago.

About 390 South Koreans travelled to the North’s scenic Diamond Mountain resort. Dressed in business suits, formal dresses and traditiona­l hanbok, they brought long johns, medicine, parkas, calligraph­y works and cash to give as presents to about 140 family members in the North.

The reunions, as always, are a mixture of high emotion and media frenzy. Journalist­s crowded around South Korean Lee Soonkyu, 85, as she met with her North Korean husband, Oh Se In, 83. As camera flashes bathed them in glaring white light, she cocked her head and looked with amazement at Oh, who wore a dapper suit and hat and craned backward to take in Lee.

The images are broadcast throughout South Korea, where the reunions are big news. North Korea’s government, which analysts believe worries that scenes of affluent South Koreans might influence its grip on power, had not published any reports hours after the reunions began.

The deep emotions stem partly from the elderly reuniting after decades spent apart, partly from the knowledge that this will be their only chance. None of the past participan­ts has had a second reunion.

South Korean Kim Bockrack wept as he clasped the hands of his sister while a cameraman silently filmed.

The reunions, the first since February of last year, are a poignant yet bitter reminder that the Korean Peninsula is still in a technical state of war because the 1950-53 fighting ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty. The Koreas bar ordinary citizens from visiting relatives living on the other side of the border and even from exchanging letters, phone calls and emails without permission.

Rim Ri Kyu, the widow of famous North Korean mathematic­ian Jo Ju Kyong, looked calm as she met with her South Korean brother and other relatives.

South Korean Lee Ok-yeon, 88, will reunite with her husband for the first time in 65 years. She lives in the same house her husband, also now 88, built and that the couple shared as newlyweds.

Her grandson Chae Jeongjae told South Korean reporters that Lee had “asked whether it was a dream or a reality” when she was told she would attend.

In a second round of reunions, from Saturday until Monday, about 250 South Koreans are to visit the mountain resort to reunite with about 190 North Korean relatives, the South’s Unificatio­n Ministry said.

The Korean War separated millions of Koreans from family members for a multitude of reasons. What they have in common is shock that their homeland remains so bitterly split after so much time.

South Korea uses a computeriz­ed lottery system to pick participan­ts while North Korea reportedly chooses based on loyalty to its authoritar­ian leadership.

Most people who apply for the reunions are elderly and desperate to see their loved ones before they die. Nearly half of the 130,410 South Koreans who have applied to attend a reunion have died.

 ?? KIM DO-HOON/Yonhap/The Associated Press ?? South Korean Min Ho-shik, 84, left, hugs his North Korean family member Min Un Sik, right,
during the Separated Family Reunion Meeting Tuesday in North Korea.
KIM DO-HOON/Yonhap/The Associated Press South Korean Min Ho-shik, 84, left, hugs his North Korean family member Min Un Sik, right, during the Separated Family Reunion Meeting Tuesday in North Korea.

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