Regina Leader-Post

Wall’s inconsiste­ncy rather clever

- MURRAY MANDRYK Mandryk is the political columnist for the Leader-Post.

Premier Brad Wall’s views on federal-provincial relations after Justin Trudeau’s election were — putting it mildly — inconsiste­nt.

On Tuesday, Wall described to reporters a very pleasant conversati­on he had with the federal Liberal leader and prime-minister-designate, in which he offered the younger politician sage wisdom about raising a young family while in public life.

Saskatchew­an’s loss of its close ties to Conservati­ve Prime Minister Stephen Harper were less of an issue, Wall said, because his Saskatchew­an Party also has Liberal roots. Moreover the presence of Wascana Liberal MP Ralph Goodale (for whom Wall has a new-found admiration) was a huge plus.

In fact, Wall saw no need for greater access to the new PM through more First Ministers’ conference­s.

They become little more than “a race to mic,” Wall noted. Much more often can be solved through “bilateral discussion­s” (telephone calls to the prime minister, as Harper preferred) out of the public eye.

Besides, premiers generally agree on most issues anyway, like the need to support First Nations.

Wednesday, Wall said he was going to Paris during next month’s United Nations climate summit because premiers were invited at this summer’s premiers’ meeting to a parallel “sub-nation” conference.

Wall said he very much wants to promote Saskatchew­an’s clean coal technology in Paris. Also, there is a good possibilit­y that Trudeau (who Wall correctly noted hasn’t yet offered his entire climate view) will consult the Canadian premiers on the country’s national position.

Besides, questions would be asked if he was the only premier who didn’t attend this meeting. And notwithsta­nding his budget commitment to reduce political travel for which he has been criticized, Wall vowed to keep the costs down.

So where does one begin with these inconsiste­ncies?

Wall campaigned for his friend and local Conservati­ve candidate David Anderson and informed Saskatchew­an voters that Stephen Harper’s divisive Tory party was the best choice for this province because of its position on GMOs, pipelines and equalizati­on. And he then suggests he will have no trouble working with Goodale and Trudeau?

Those “bilateral” telephone discussion­s with Harper were all part of the Harper “one-man show,” as it was known in provincial government circles, in which the PM made all the decisions.

Saskatchew­an’s Conservati­ve MPs had little influence, failing to deliver behind the scenes on the railways’ failure to move grain to market, stopping the takeover of PotashCorp by BHP Billiton or forcing Harper to make good on his equalizati­on commitment.

Yet Wall thinks we can still do better by not forcing Trudeau to the public table of First Ministers’ meetings? And on key issues like the Senate or equalizati­on, the notably disagreeab­le premiers are now all in agreement? On issues like including renewable resources in the equalizati­on formula, which would cost Quebec and Manitoba billions and save Saskatchew­an hundreds of millions?

And now, Wall wants to go to the Paris Climate Change Summit even though a large swath of his supporters are global-warming deniers?

Well, as contradict­ory as all this was, it was also Wall demonstrat­ing pretty formidable political skills.

Consider the value to Wall — and the province as a whole — in establishi­ng a personal relationsh­ip with Trudeau, who the premier was careful not to criticize during the election. This is not to suggest his conversati­on with Trudeau on family matters was not a sincere one. It is to suggest, however, that Wall was wise enough to identify a commonalit­y with Trudeau and to try to develop a personal relationsh­ip. It’s what good politician­s do.

As for the death of First Ministers’ events, count how few rightwing government­s there are right now.

Wall has, and has already calculated the potential of being publicly throttled in the sea of NDP and Liberal First Ministers. (And let us acknowledg­e there is some validity to the view that such meetings are a race to the mic. In some circumstan­ces, more can likely be accomplish­ed with one-on-one phone calls.)

But it is really his handling of his Paris trip where one sees Wall’s national-level political skills.

By waiting until Trudeau’s election to decide to go to Paris, Wall has somehow sent out the signal to environmen­tal activists that he is finally coming onside in the global warming debate — even if just through the rather specious clean-coal technology.

However, if social media this week was any indication, Wall’s own conservati­ve supporters were more than delighted to hear him say he was ensuring “Saskatchew­an’s voice be heard” in Paris.

After all, someone with a little common sense should be there to say that the oil sector needs to be considered at an environmen­tal summit. The right surely can’t count on Alberta NDP Premier Rachel Notley being that voice.

Ironically, this was the week in which Wall may have finally ended the speculatio­n on him moving to national politics.

But it’s not because he doesn’t have the skills to do so. Amid all his inconsiste­ncies was a display of formidable political skills.

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