Regina Leader-Post

Trudeau hard-working and discipline­d

- JOHN GORMLEY Gormley is a talk-show host, lawyer, author and former Progressiv­e Conservati­ve MP. He can be heard Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on News Talk 980 CJME.

Only when listening to Justin Trudeau’s victory speech the other night did it strike me. This is a guy who has applied discipline to every job he has taken on and done well.

And he has been consistent­ly underestim­ated.

At the moment of Trudeau’s remarkable ascension to the pinnacle of Canadian politics — a convincing majority government win of 184 seats — his victory speech said it all.

It wasn’t a tightly structured, future-focused wrap to a successful campaign as much as it was a rambling replay of every winning line from speeches he’d delivered hundreds of times during the long election.

It was like the victor running one last lap before hitting the showers — his job as campaigner was done, but he wasn’t quite ready yet to move on to the next project.

With the most famous name in Canadian politics, born as a child of privilege at the prime minister’s residence in Ottawa and raised with a family trust fund of millions, Trudeau’s story has been one of getting the job done.

An anonymous Vancouver school teacher in 2000, his eulogy for his father — the popular and often-deeply polarizing Pierre Elliott Trudeau — was well crafted and emotionall­y delivered.

The CBC — in its fawning passion for all things Trudeau — would later consider this speech one of Canada’s most significan­t events in the past 50 years.

From that, a successful career unfolded as a motivation­al speaker. Good speeches don’t just happen; there’s a formula that works, which Trudeau learned and mastered. Applying himself, he could charm a room as well as any on the speaking circuit.

When Trudeau’s time arrived for the inevitable date with politics, he eschewed seats in the “right” part of Montreal, choosing instead a long-time, working-class riding not inclined to silver spoon pretty boys.

It was a tough seat to win and he took it with hard work.

One of his defining moments of grit as an MP was the celebrated charity boxing match with Conservati­ve Senator Patrick Brazeau, a former bar bouncer, soldier and selfdescri­bed tough guy.

As Brazeau’s mouth wrote cheques he couldn’t cash, Trudeau went quiet, trained for three hours a day and decisively won.

It was also during the MP years that Trudeau made several notorious statements, from the flippant and silly to the outright boneheaded, which suggested a less-than-firm intellectu­al grasp on public policy.

If he is to endure, he will have to demonstrat­e the intelligen­ce, gravitas and decision-making maturity that Canadians expect in our political leaders.

But when the bell rang for the election race, as Liberal leader, Trudeau bore down, ran a mistakefre­e campaign and let his opponents stumble — the NDP vacating the left and the Conservati­ves investing all their capital in the divisive and tired persona of Stephen Harper.

On my radio show this week, Premier Brad Wall — in addition to confirming that he definitely is not running for the Conservati­ve leadership — made an interestin­g observatio­n on the rise of Trudeau.

In thanking the outgoing Harper and congratula­ting Trudeau, the premier spoke of the new PM as an “initiate” hero — the Karate Kidlike character who begins young and inexperien­ced (“just not ready”) but has enough time in the movie (or 11-week campaign) to grow, is initiated, wins over fans as the underdog and then prevails over the powerful adversary.

The premier also channelled his inner nerd by referring to the young hero Trudeau’s adversary as the Karate Kid’s Cobra Kai.

Now, as Trudeau takes on the biggest challenge of his life, may he apply the same hard work, discipline and study to this latest project of prime minister that he has to past endeavours.

This time, the stakes could not be higher.

The future of a nation rests on him.

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