Regina Leader-Post

Few gems found in this forgettabl­e Jem remake


Halloween will be confusing for 1980s kids as trick or treaters with pink Ziggy Stardust face paint announce they’re Jem from Jem and the Holograms when asked if they’re dressed as Bowie or Ke$ha. These candy hunters might make sense only to children of Hasbro who noticed the outrage the new Jem and the Holograms live-action reboot’s trailer received last spring. It didn’t quite break the Internet, but it certainly broke some hearts.

Fans of the ’80s cartoon featuring an almost allfemale cast fronted by business woman/secret rock star Jerrica Benton (Jem) saw no sign of rival band the Misfits, no badass hologram-producing Synergy computer and none of the self-aware camp that managed to make 2001’s Josie and the Pussycats reboot a cult sensation.

First some good news: Synergy is still there, just rebranded as tiny anthro-PC “51n3rg.y” instead of warehouse sized, sentient synthesize­r/mega-computer.Jerrica and Kimber Benton, together with foster sisters AJA and Shana, play dress-up and adorn themselves with the “proper” technicolo­ur wig colours. And Starlight Music, Starlight Mansion and the Misfits are also around, if only to allow old-school fans some comfort.

Other similariti­es with the cartoon end at lip-service quotes like Rio referring to Jem as “glitter, fashion and fame.” 51n3rg.y projects only home-movie holograms. And we see the Misfits — led by none other than Ke$ha — only after some of the end credits roll, providing the film’s only burst of flamboyanc­e (and perhaps some cause to yearn for a better sequel).

This movie Jem feels like it was made by a studio and producers obsessed with mini-millennial ticket buyers, who they believe will relate only to sanitized, no-nonsense vibes and constant shout-outs to digital technology.

It is pastiched with squirrel surfers, vlog confession­als and mildly avant-garde but ultimately forgettabl­e percussion tracks assembled from DIY drumming videos.

Even Jem’s tracks are a catchy blend of radio pop and indie trends, while Jerrica’s corny pronouncem­ent that “Jem” is everyone echoes the bread-and butter-sentiments of modern pop stars from Taylor Swift to Lady Gaga — be yourself, follow your dreams.

Beyond its obsession with its own contempora­ry trendiness, perhaps the film’s greatest failure is while it could have leaped beyond the feminism of the ’80s doll-peddling cartoon, Jem actually backpedals. The lone male character, Rio, takes on much of the control of Starlight Music and the group (even naming them).

Had the four band members, and their perceived audience, been older, one wonders if 2015’s Jem have looked more like Sex and the City 2?

 ?? UNIVERSAL PICTURES ?? From left: Hayley Kiyoko, Aubrey Peeples and Stefanie Scott star in Jem and the Holograms.
The flamboyant energy of the original cartoon is mostly absent.
UNIVERSAL PICTURES From left: Hayley Kiyoko, Aubrey Peeples and Stefanie Scott star in Jem and the Holograms. The flamboyant energy of the original cartoon is mostly absent.

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