Regina Leader-Post

Regina teacher receives award from Prime Minister


On Thursday, Regina kindergart­en teacher Lindsay Stuart snapped a selfie. Pretty normal until you consider who else was in the photo — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Stuart was a recipient of one of the Prime Minister’s Awards for Teaching Excellence in Early Childhood Education.

“(The awards ceremony) was spectacula­r, kind of hard to remember,” Stuart said over the phone on Friday from Ottawa.

The kindergart­en teacher at Henry Braun School has had quite the experience this week. It all began back when some of her fellow colleagues, along with families of students that she had taught, nominated her for the award.

“I was excited, I was shocked. Humbled I think is probably the best word because I work with such amazing colleagues that all of them should be here,” she said.

Stuart has been a kindergart­en teacher at Henry Braun for the last five years and has spent her time focusing on her students — who she refers to as little people because she believes everyone, no matter their age, can change the world.

“I think some of the time what we do is we don’t think young children are capable and confident, but what they’re able to do is limitless and that’s one of the things that I really strive to do is to make sure that I don’t limit them,” she said.

Over the years Stuart has made an impact on her students and their families.

“I can tell you some of the things that the kids in my classroom right now say but I think some of the things that really mean the most are when kids are coming back in Grade 4 right now just to say hi everyday and check in,” she said.

Stuart also enjoys using technology in the classroom and teaching students that technology is a tool to help them learn.

With the award she also receives a $5,000 bursary which is split between her own personal teaching supplies and her school.

Currently she is thinking about maybe purchasing a green screen or perhaps a 3D printer for her classroom.

On Thursday afternoon Stuart attended a reception with the Prime Minister where she received her award.

“Knowing that (the Prime Minister) was there specifical­ly to talk to you and listening to his speech was fantastic with him being a teacher as well. It was really heartfelt,” she said.

Stuart is in Ottawa for the rest of the weekend touring the city but back in Regina her colleagues are thrilled for her.

“Lindsay works very hard and she really enjoys working with young children and it’s just nice that someone was able to recognize her for that,” said Erin Geddes, Vice Principal of Henry Braun School.

 ?? FRED CHARTRAND/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a selfie photo taken by teacher Linsdsay Stuart, from Regina, an award recipient at the Prime Minister’s Awards for Teaching Excellence in Ottawa, Thursday.
FRED CHARTRAND/THE CANADIAN PRESS Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a selfie photo taken by teacher Linsdsay Stuart, from Regina, an award recipient at the Prime Minister’s Awards for Teaching Excellence in Ottawa, Thursday.

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