Regina Leader-Post

When it comes to life lessons, Game of Thrones is the best


Everything I need to know about life, I have learned from watching Game of Thrones.

Spoiler alert: if you haven’t watched the series yet, I’m about to spoil it worse than the spinach in my fridge. For those of you without access to cable or a 10-year-old’s downloadin­g skills, GOT is a movie-quality show about warring political families that may remind you of Parliament, except less violent.

The show features lots of nudity and sex scenes and has reportedly inspired at least two porn parodies, which seems redundant. But GOT is not just a movie-quality program starring dragons, buckets of blood and a seemingly unending source of flawless butts, it’s also an opportunit­y for life lessons.

In the first season, I learned that even if things look hopeless that does not mean you should ever lose hope. Like just when you think your life is ruined because you are being forced to marry a relative stranger so your family can gain a powerful ally, he turns out to be the love of your life, in the case of Daenerys Targaryen — or in the case of Cersei Lannister, a huge disappoint­ment that drives you to drink wine by the barrels — also a win, in my opinion.

Another life lesson I’ve gleaned from the series is that you can say pretty much anything you want in life as long as you say it with style. Tyrion Lannister, aka the Imp aka Tywin’s least-favourite child aka my favourite character, has more witty lines than a rez dog has ticks. My favourite: “I’m not questionin­g your honour, I’m denying its very existence.”

I often wish I had some Tyrionwort­hy wit during the difficult moments in life, like when someone butts in front of me at Timmies, instead of the rather wan, “Seriously?” Although as satisfying as a good witticism is, sometimes there’s nothing as satisfying as slapping the crap out of the Joffreys in your life and Tyrion has certainly proven that true, to my unending glee.

I learned from Ned Stark that even when you’re an honourable person with integrity to burn and you do everything right, somebody may still cut off your head. Which is not to say that you shouldn’t be a good person, just don’t expect the world to reward you for it — and stay away from sharp axes.

Here’s some great advice from GOT: when you apologize to someone, you should always look them in the eye.

This rather wise piece of counsel came from Ramsay Bolton as he was instructin­g Reek aka Theon Greyjoy aka the unluckiest dude in the entire Game of Thrones canon. It’s ironic that Ramsay was telling anyone how to make an apology when he’s pretty much the worst character ever. He makes Hannibal Lecter look like Mary Poppins. But he’s right, apologies really mean nothing if there’s no eye contact — which is why I always look in my rear-view mirror when I mouth “sorry” to someone I’ve cut off in traffic.

Something else I’ve learned is that in a cruel world, the best survival tactic is being yourself, no matter how much of an oddball you are.

The nonconform­ists in Game of Thrones are doing quite well — well, surviving, which is actually success in that world. Tyrion, Brienne, Varys, Sam and Arya — none of them is a typical hero, but they manage to save themselves and others. This is balm to the soul of a mom who secretly worries I’m destroying my son’s childhood because I suck at crafts.

I can barely blow up a balloon. Sigh.

I’ve also realized from my viewing of this show that if you are ever unlucky enough to be deprived of your lands, rights or freedom, then do not lose faith, for at some point a nice white lady will rescue you and declare herself your queen. And then you’ll be like, “Uh, thanks for the offer, lady, but we’re a sovereign people.”

Yup, everything I need to learn about life, I’ve learned from GOT — which is a lot better than when I learned all those life skills from The Walking Dead, because stabbing someone in the head with a spoon almost never comes in handy.

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