Regina Leader-Post



So let’s see. Massive uncertaint­y. Check. Currency crisis. Check. A bitterly divided society. Political parties in disarray. Leadership vacuum. Check. No plan for what to do next. No consensus even on the ultimate objective. Check. Parts of the seceding state refusing to leave. The state from which it would secede similarly fragmentin­g. And no sign of the reassuring new arrangemen­t between them that was promised to replace the old. Check, check, and check.

In other words, the fallout from Brexit is turning out to be more or less exactly as the critics predicted — not only from Britain voting to leave the European Union, but in the event of a similar vote to secede in Quebec. If the latter remains the stuff of speculatio­n — lent greater substance by Chantal Hébert and Jean Lapierre’s 2014 book, The Morning After, wherein it was revealed that none of the principal players had thought ahead even that far — the Brits are living through it. Only this isn’t the half of it.

Not only is the British situation likely to deteriorat­e further, as the economy weakens, as jobs and investment leave, as the negotiatio­ns with Europe, always prickly at the best of times, descend into the nastiness and brinkmansh­ip that marks most divorce proceeding­s, but whatever mayhem ensues from Brexit, the consequenc­es of a Quebec secession bid would be worse. Much, much worse.

It has been a marvel in this light to watch the sovereignt­ists attempting, with their usual brio, to cite Brexit for their purpose. If 50 per cent plus one of the vote was enough for Britain to detach itself from the European Union, they demand to know, why should it not be sufficient for Quebec?

To which the answer is, the two situations, whatever their surface similariti­es, differ in all sorts of critical ways. And the ways they differ are of a kind likely to make things vastly more difficult, more painful, and much more disordered in a Quexit than a Brexit.

Consider first the difference­s between Britain’s situation within Europe and Quebec’s within Canada. The U.K. is, and always has been, a sovereign state; it yielded some powers to the EU by treaty in 1973 (and subsequent codicils), but retained the rest. The modern province of Quebec was a creation of Confederat­ion, with only such powers as were assigned to it by the British North America Act.

Quebec is in Canada, and Canada in Quebec, to a degree that the U.K. and Europe do not begin to approach. The historical, legal, cultural, economic and emotional ties that would have to be severed are of an entirely different order, leave aside such bits of housekeepi­ng as the currency and the division of the debt. In sum, Britain’s exit is a challenge to Europe’s continuing unity, for the precedent it might set. But a Quexit’s threat to Canada would be existentia­l, in itself.

There is, what is more, a legal process for the U.K. to leave the European Union, laid out in the Treaty of Lisbon. It is difficult enough, but there are clear rules and procedures. There is little doubt who would be authorized to represent each side in the negotiatio­ns, what matters they would have to resolve, and how the result would be ratified.

None of these apply in Canada. There is no provision in Canadian law for the secession of a province, beyond the vague provisions of the Clarity Act (a “clear majority” on a “clear question”) setting conditions on the federal government’s participat­ion in the negotiatio­ns. But it’s far from clear the federal government would be eligible even then. There is no duly constitute­d representa­tive of the “rest of Canada,” and no way of duly constituti­ng one.

Suppose this obstacle were overcome. Absent a constituti­onal path to secession, one would have to be invented, by an amending process that has yet to be determined, with whatever further hurdles to ratificati­on — referendum­s, most likely in all provinces — might be attached. But to have something to ratify assumes not only the existence of negotiatio­ns, but their successful conclusion.

The greater likelihood, as Jacques Parizeau himself was always clear, is that these would go nowhere: the issues are too irresolvab­le, the ratificati­on process too uncertain. So secession, at least in his mind, was always envisaged as an abrupt, unilateral rupture, in defiance of both domestic and internatio­nal law, in the hope that it might nonetheles­s be recognized as a fait accompli. In which case, take all of the chaos described in the first paragraph and multiply it by a hundred.

Indeed, the referendum itself would in all probabilit­y be bathed in conflict. Perhaps the question in some future Quebec referendum would be as clear as in past votes they have been opaque. That would still leave the issue of the majority. And here we return to the sovereignt­ists’ question.

The reason Canada recognizes 50 per cent plus one as decisive in the Brexit referendum is that everyone else does: Leavers, Remainers, the British government, the EU. There is no reason to think the same consensus would apply in Canada, or should.

Even the Brits, had they to do it over again, might set the bar considerab­ly higher: 50 per cent plus one, they are discoverin­g, is not nearly sufficient to decide such a momentous matter. And if it were appropriat­e for the U.K., that would not make it so for Canada. The situations are not remotely comparable.

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