Regina Leader-Post

New Mosaic Stadium thrills former mayor


The new Mosaic Stadium isn’t yet ready to house Rider Nation, but Pat Fiacco says he still feels good when he drives by the bustling work site.

“I drive by every day,” says Fiacco, who was a four-term Regina mayor. “This is exciting stuff.”

Although Fiacco left office in 2012 — the same year the project was officially announced — the Queen City product was instrument­al in the creation of the complex, which is to play host to its long-awaited first Saskatchew­an Roughrider­s game in 2017.

“Being around to cut the ribbon wasn’t important to me. What was important was that everyone recognized the vision,” Fiacco says when asked if it was difficult to leave office four years ago as the project heated up.

“It was a team effort; it wasn’t just my vision.”

Each passing day brings the new Mosaic Stadium a step closer to its highly anticipate­d opening kickoff. That brings a smile to the face of Fiacco.

Fiacco is a big-time supporter of the Green and White, and he seems as excited as anyone to see the Queen City get a new, state-ofthe-art stadium. But he says that’s not what brings on his grin when he drives down Elphinston­e Street.

“I automatica­lly get a smile on my face when I just think about all the activity that’s going to happen there," Fiacco says. "My kids, my grandkids, my great-grandkids are going to be able to see the immense opportunit­ies that this project will create that wouldn’t have otherwise happened here.

“I think there are going to be spinoffs from that as well — there already have been … And I think we’re going to see more services pop up because of it. It’s also going to generate a significan­t amount of foot traffic, which in turn creates a demand for services.”

Like many in Rider Nation, Fiacco is eagerly anticipati­ng the Roughrider­s’ first game in their new home. To help ceremonial­ly christen the park, Fiacco will most likely be in attendance at the first game in 2017, as was the case when he and Saskatchew­an Premier Brad Wall announced the project before a Riders home game on July 14, 2012.

But it isn’t the ceremony or the first week of the 2017 Canadian Football League season that Fiacco is most looking forward to. Fiacco doesn’t talk in terms of football when speaking about the project.

“It isn’t just about a stadium; it’s about the revitaliza­tion of an entire area,” offers the former mayor, who says he’s just as excited about the new housing that will replace the existing Mosaic Stadium.

“You don’t often get a chance to see an old stadium like Mosaic Stadium demolished and replaced with a new neighbourh­ood in the inner city. That’s very exciting.”

When Fiacco thinks about his accomplish­ments while serving as mayor, this project ranks highly.

“The stars just seemed to line up,” Fiacco says 12 months before the new Mosaic Stadium opens its doors to Rider Nation. “But it’s one thing to realize the stars are lined up, and another to take advantage of it.

“That doesn’t happen very often.”

 ?? BRYAN SCHLOSSER ?? Pat Fiacco is excited about the new Mosaic Stadium — a facility he championed as a four-term mayor of Regina. He left office in 2012, the year the project was announced.
BRYAN SCHLOSSER Pat Fiacco is excited about the new Mosaic Stadium — a facility he championed as a four-term mayor of Regina. He left office in 2012, the year the project was announced.

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