Regina Leader-Post

Tokyo Police Club ad libs new album

Random process to recording each of the ‘dope tunes’


Touring in support of its recently released EP, Mellon Collie and the Infinite Radness: Part One, and with Part Two set for release tomorrow, Tokyo Police Club is ready to pump up the jams on Sept. 28 at the University of Regina’s Riddell Centre.

Titled cheekily similar to the 28song opus Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness by Chicago rockers Smashing Pumpkins, keyboardis­t Graham Wright chuckles when asked to explain the title.

“It made us laugh,” he answers with a laugh. “I think that might have been the extent of the criteria. The entire process of making this collection of songs was not necessaril­y funny but very impromptu. It was pretty circumstan­tial as everyone was living in different corners of the continent and we’d get together and book studio time and just create one or two songs at a time. It never felt like we were making an album because it never felt like we started or that it ended.

“Normally you’ll book a session and you’ll have two weeks or two months, or however long it takes you. We never really had that with this; it was like ‘Oh s--t … we’re finished.’ Putting the songs out as an album felt weird and putting the songs out individual­ly felt stupid business-wise, so we decided to put them out as EPs. The idea was presented and it was the one we went with.

“As far as the title, we had the picture of the smashed watermelon and someone made a joke and then we paid someone to make CDs with the joke on them.”

While the recording process was outside the realm of the usual methods for the band, which is comprised of Wright, David Monk (vocals/bass), Josh Hook (guitar) and Greg Alsop (drums), Wright asserts there was no question the songs were worth releasing.

“I’ve been doing this long enough to recognize a good song when I hear it so in that sense I can listen to both EPs, to this collection of songs, and there’s no doubt in my mind that they’re up to our usual standard of excellence,” says Wright. “They’re dope tunes in the parlance of our times. That being said, the process of making these songs wasn’t 100 per cent as rewarding as it can be when you stand in the same room as a band for a reason. A lot of time for the EPs I feel we stood together as a band and we did a good job but there are other times where on some songs we functioned a little differentl­y and that’s not necessaril­y a bad thing but it’s also not necessaril­y as fun.”

Although the music industry has started to dictate more frequent releases to propel live concert sales, Wright acknowledg­es the quartet, from Newmarket, Ont., does feel some pressure in that regard.

“I think there is more pressure but I don’t think it’s necessaril­y a function of how long we’ve been together as much as what the industry is like now,” explains Wright. “People’s attention spans have never been overly long and in the 10 years we’ve been doing this it feels like they’ve shortened lots and in a quick period of time. Unless you’re able to ascend to the level of Vampire Weekend, who of our cohorts they’re kind of that band that climbed all the way to the top, you can’t just take an unlimited amount of time.

“It seems like,” Wright contemplat­es, “the best practice for an indie band in 2016 is to put out as much music as you can as often as you can. That’s not necessaril­y the best artistic practice but as has always been, true art and commerce are uneasy bedfellows. Those of us who forced them to get into that relationsh­ip have to deal with that weird business.”

The one aspect that continues to avoid feeling like work, at least according to the affable keyboardis­t, is the ability to play for their fans.

“I think what’s so great about live shows is that you get to go to church. You get to be in the moment, so to speak,” says Wright. “It’s just fun. The Tokyo Police Club experience is just fun. We get up there and we’re not f---ing wearing cool suits and we’re not spending all this money to bring out cool lights – there’s no fancy light show; we’re just up there with our guitars and we just play these goddamn songs that we’re real good at playing because we’ve playing them for 10 years.”

“We just want to exist in a moment of how fun and amazing and how special that is. There’s lots of smiling and lots of bouncing up and down, and that more than anything is what we bring around. To me, that’s the best version of what we have to offer.”

 ?? NICOLE FARA SILVER PHOTO ?? Tokyo Police Club still enjoys playing even though many aspects of the music business have become less fun.
NICOLE FARA SILVER PHOTO Tokyo Police Club still enjoys playing even though many aspects of the music business have become less fun.

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