Regina Leader-Post

Letter hints at truth of Monroe affair with RFK


For more than half a century, unproven rumours have swirled that Marilyn Monroe was romantical­ly involved with Robert F. (Bobby) Kennedy.

Now the most convincing evidence yet has emerged in the form of a letter from a family member. It appears to show that two of the most famous U.S. people in the early 1960s were secretly an “item.”

Jean Kennedy Smith, younger sister of Bobby Kennedy and then- U.S. president John F Kennedy, sent the letter to Monroe. “Understand that you and Bobby are the new item!” she wrote. “We all think you should come with him when he comes back East!”

The letter is being auctioned in California on Nov 17 as part of a trove of Monroe’s personal belongings.

Martin Nolan, executive director of Julien’s Auctions, the Beverly Hills firm handling the sale, said: “There’s always speculatio­n about her relationsh­ip with the Kennedys.

“This speaks to the fact that there was in fact a relationsh­ip between Bobby Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe.”

Efforts to prove the affair began in the ’60s. At the time, Bobby Kennedy, who was married and had 11 children, was his brother’s attorney general.

J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI, as part of his titanic feud with Bobby Kennedy, tried and failed to catch the pair out. In his autobiogra­phy, William Sullivan, Hoover’s deputy director at the FBI, wrote: “Hoover was desperatel­y trying to catch Bobby Kennedy red-handed at anything he ever did. We used to watch him at parties.”

Eventually, Hoover concluded that “the stories about Bobby Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe were just stories.”

Much of the later speculatio­n about Monroe centred instead on her alleged relationsh­ip with President Kennedy.

The letter to Monroe from Jean Kennedy Smith was found among a batch of Monroes papers. She had left them to Lee Strasberg, the acting coach who was a father figure to her.

His son David Strasberg, 45, discovered them stuffed in suitcases and cupboards during a cleanout. Some were in a trunk with his old football boots.

After reading the emotional notes written by the actress, Strasberg said: “For Marilyn, I think she was always after that ‘something more.’ ”

In one despairing letter to a therapist in 1961, Monroe wrote: “Last night I was awake all night again. Sometimes I wonder what the night time is for. It almost doesn’t exist for me. It all seems like one long, long horrible day.”

She described her time in a mental institutio­n as being like sent to prison “for a crime I hadn’t committed.” She also wrote: “Oh, well, men are climbing to the moon but they don’t seem interested in the beating human heart.”

The actress, who would have turned 90 this year, died from an overdose of barbiturat­es at age 36 on Aug. 5, 1962. Bobby Kennedy was assassinat­ed on June 6, 1968, in Los Angeles.

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Robert F Kennedy, left, Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy circa May 1962, shortly after her famous birthday serenade to the U.S. president. New evidence suggests Monroe and RFK were having an affair.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Robert F Kennedy, left, Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy circa May 1962, shortly after her famous birthday serenade to the U.S. president. New evidence suggests Monroe and RFK were having an affair.

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