Regina Leader-Post

‘I almost lost my baby brother’

Regina woman describes shooting inside at her Wallace Street home


Alison Moneybird-Morgan was painting her nails when, early Sunday morning, she was startled by the sound of gunshots inside her Wallace Street home.

Moments later, her younger brother Jesse ran in, blood gushing from a bullet wound.

Later on Sunday morning, Moneybird-Morgan fought back tears as she waited for word on her brother, who was then undergoing surgery.

“He almost died in my arms,” she said.

Moneybird-Morgan said she was in the back bedroom of her house on the 1700 block of Wallace Street with four others when she heard the shots.

“And then my baby brother came running into my room and he just (said), ‘He f ..... g shot me,’ ” she recalled.

According to informatio­n from the Regina Police Service, police were dispatched at about 2:30 a.m. to the house, having received a report of a firearms offence. Police found the injured man (they described him as 21, while Moneybird-Morgan gave her brother’s age as 23) and he was taken to hospital in serious but stable condition with a single gunshot wound.

Moneybird-Morgan pointed to her bathroom, between the living room and her bedroom, indicating that was where the shooting had happened.

She said they called 911 and she worked to put pressure on her brother’s injury.

“I held all the pressure, because I saw it on movies before,” she said. “And every time he tried to take a deep breath, it was like blood kept on squirting out.”

She said she believed the bullet passed dangerousl­y close to Jesse’s jugular, hitting him in the area of his collarbone.

Moneybird-Morgan said she believed her brother was going to be all right, although she remained worried.

Tragedy is not a stranger to her, having lost a best friend to homicide a few years ago. She said her cousin, 22-year-old Joey Bellegarde, died in her arms at her then Fort Qu-Appelle home in 2011.

“I’ve had so many people die in my life, I’m getting used to it now ...,” she said, choking back tears. “I almost lost my baby brother. I’m still shaky.”

Moneybird-Morgan said although police went through the house looking for evidence, she located what she described as a “homemade” firearm in her living room later on Sunday morning. She said the gun was turned over to police.

While police hadn’t immediatel­y released informatio­n about arrests or charges, Moneybird-Morgan said she believed a 16-year-old male — an acquaintan­ce of her brother also at her house at the time of the shooting — was responsibl­e.

She described her brother as a “loving, caring kid” who was working on changing his life in the aftermath of their mom’s recent death.

 ?? MICHAEL BELL ?? Alison Moneybird-Morgan applied pressure on the single gunshot wound suffered by her brother while waiting for paramedics to arrive. Jesse Moneybird is recovering in hospital.
MICHAEL BELL Alison Moneybird-Morgan applied pressure on the single gunshot wound suffered by her brother while waiting for paramedics to arrive. Jesse Moneybird is recovering in hospital.

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