Regina Leader-Post

Muslim columnist is hoping to see a less racist Canadian future


Sheema Khan remembers the first time she was told to “go back home.”

It was after the 1995 Quebec referendum, and she was walking with her eight-month-old daughter in a stroller in Montreal.

“It’s like, this is home,” said Khan, whose parents immigrated to Montreal from Varanasi, India, when she was three years old.

That’s not to say it was the first time she’d felt discrimina­tion as a Muslim woman.

A few years before that, having completed her PhD in chemical physics at Harvard and post-doctoral studies at MIT, she returned to Quebec for a job interview.

“I was asked if I had to wear that thing on my head,” said Khan, referring to her hijab (head scarf). “That’s the first time I’d overtly felt it.”

Khan, who works in intellectu­al property law in Ottawa and writes a monthly column in the Globe and Mail, will deliver this year’s Woodrow Lloyd Lecture at the University of Regina on Monday evening. Her topic is “Islamophob­ia and Muslim Women in Canada” — something she knows a lot about.

“I’ve grown a thick skin,” she said with a laugh. “It’s just sort of like, brush past it.”

She didn’t feel so much an outsider in her own country until the last federal election, as the Conservati­ve party “campaign(ed) on fear of Muslims in Canada.”

During her lecture, Khan will talk about a 2016 Environics survey of 600 Muslims across Canada, in which 42 per cent of women reported they had recently experience­d discrimina­tion.

She’ll talk about the Parliament­ary M103 motion, which condemns “Islamophob­ia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimina­tion.”

It passed in Parliament on Thursday but an Angus Reid poll suggested most Canadians were not in favour — 31 per cent because they believe the motion is a threat to Canadians’ freedom of speech, and 57 per cent because they believe the bill won’t accomplish anything or have real impact.

By way of her column, which she began writing shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Khan has heard a lot of commentary over the years.

“I’ve learned so much, especially from those who don’t agree with me,” she said. “When you have a respectful conversati­on, you’re more apt to listen to what the other side has to say.”

She sees hope in the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission’s work — for all cultures, not just for indigenous people.

“When we focus on that, then we start to realize the real damage of discrimina­tion,” said Khan. “I hope that will change so that we don’t treat people as different or others, and that some kind of collateral benefit would also happen with Muslims.

“If you look at the history of our country … racism is as Canadian as maple syrup,” she added, pointing to historical treatment of Chinese, Sikh, Jewish, non-Protestant-European and indigenous people.

“It’s almost in our DNA that we seem to pick on a certain group and otherize it, and then we get over that and then we find a new group and we do the same thing. I just hope (Muslims are) the last group. I really do.”

Khan speaks Monday, 7:30 p.m., at the University of Regina Education Auditorium.

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Sheema Khan

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