Regina Leader-Post

Group launches petition to stop developmen­t in Wascana Park


A small group refuses to give up the fight to stop business from encroachin­g on Wascana Park.

Lorraine Weidner, a member of Keep Business out of the Park, was joined by a dozen other supporters to protest at the site of the proposed Conexus Credit Union head office, which is to be constructe­d near Darke Hall on College Avenue.

The group gathered to launch the start of its petition to keep Wascana Park public.

The demonstrat­ion began with protesters holding placards with messages like “The public owns the park not Conexus,” and

“Our Integrity depends on Keeping Wascana Public — Lead by Example Conexus.”

They are calling on the public to support the group’s efforts to put a stop to any more developmen­t in the area.

Weidner doesn’t believe residents have had enough opportunit­y to react to what the developmen­t would mean to the rest of Wascana Park.

“This is our park, so we need to have a say about what happens in the park,” she said. “Anyone who is aware is flabbergas­ted because they cannot believe that this is happening in this beautiful park.”

It is not the first time the group has gathered to protest. In February, they held a protest at the Conexus head office, but were not allowed on the property, so they held the demonstrat­ion on the sidewalk.

During the release of the province’s latest budget, it was announced the province would assume control of the area, which doesn’t sit well with the group.

“We are worried that might make it worse, because it’s now (under) the Provincial Capital Commission,” said Weidner. “The word ‘capital’ seems to go real well with the word corporatio­n.”

No Business in the Park opposes any business developmen­t in Wascana, including the new CNIB building, because it will mean more changes to the park like more traffic, noise, litter and further constructi­on.

Weidner is encouragin­g the public to go online and add their names to the growing list of those opposed to such changes. After the campaign wraps up, the group plans to give the results to Conexus, the City of Regina and the University of Regina.

The petition is available on the group’s Facebook page Keep Wascana Park Public.

Anyone who is aware is flabbergas­ted because they cannot believe that this is happening in this beautiful park.

 ?? MICHAEL BELL ?? Lorraine Weidner and her group Keep Business out of the Park protest plans to build a Conexus Credit Union head office building near Darke Hall Wednesday. The group, which opposes all commercial developmen­t in Wascana Park, launched a petition during...
MICHAEL BELL Lorraine Weidner and her group Keep Business out of the Park protest plans to build a Conexus Credit Union head office building near Darke Hall Wednesday. The group, which opposes all commercial developmen­t in Wascana Park, launched a petition during...

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