Regina Leader-Post

Alice Kuipers mulls the life teen didn’t have chance to lead

Alice Kuipers talks to Cam Fuller about her latest novel, Me (and) Me.


A canoe ride at Pike Lake has grave consequenc­es for Lark, the teen protagonis­t in Alice Kuipers’ new novel, Me (and) Me.

A little girl is drowning. Lark’s boyfriend dives in but hits his head on a rock.

“I’m halfway between Annabelle and Alec. I have to save them. Alec is going under. Annabelle is face down. I can’t breathe. Pain radiates through my chest. I tread water, franticall­y looking one way and then the other.

“I don’t know who to choose.” That gripping moment evolves into something quite mysterious in the novel. The book goes back to an idea Kuipers had when she wasn’t much older than Lark.

“I was really interested in what would happen if you met yourself and you could talk to yourself in the other life that you’d not been able to live.”

She tried to turn the idea of split lives into a novel, but it was too soon.

“It didn’t really work as a book, partly just because I didn’t know how to write a book and partly because it was a really, really complicate­d book to try and write as a first book.”

Now, however, Kuipers is the award-winning author of four young-adult novels and her publisher, HarperColl­ins, is calling Me (and) Me “a riveting, highconcep­t novel with heart.”

Kuipers explores the idea of parallel lives and “infinity point” in the book. It is sophistica­ted, but grounded in the character of Lark, a cool girl who longboards, who writes and plays music with her band, who has a big gig coming up and yet who still mourns the death of her mother three years before and is worried about her dad’s health.

In the book, Lark gets mysterious text messages of unknown origin on her phone that seem to come from another world.

“I’m interested in how Lark deals with the mysterious thing that happens to her,” says Kuipers. “I’m interested in how we as people cope with what life throws at us when it’s weird and strange. I ask myself the question, ‘What if?’ I’m interested in who we are when we’re put in difficult, strange situations.”

Kuipers likes writing about teenagers because it’s an age when our choices make us who we are.

“As a teenager, what’s exciting and interestin­g is trying out the different people we could be. Are we the social justice side of ourselves? Are we the creative side of ourselves? Are we the responsibl­e, pragmatic side of ourselves? Then we take on that mantle, we live it.”

As for her audience, Kuipers doesn’t see herself as writing specifical­ly for teens.

In fact, thinking about that can be counterpro­ductive.

“When I am writing, if I’m worried about whether my publisher is going to like it or a reader is going to like it, that’s a surefire way to get me to stop writing anything at all.

“That’s stuff I don’t really think about. I hope that people who enjoy the book are people who are interested in what it’s like to be a teenager, so teen readers. And people who love reading teen fiction. I’m one of those people. There’s some really, really good teen fiction out there."

As far as getting it right when looking at the world through the point of view of teenagers today, Kuipers looks for the universal and concentrat­es on story.

“There are difference­s being a teenager now and 20 years ago, but we still fall in love, we still have to find out who we are, we still are excited about creative ambitions, we still want to find our place in the world. That’s all the same. So I just try and tell a story that’s interestin­g to me.” With four children under the age of seven, writing at all can be challengin­g.

Kuipers has a basement office where she works when she can.

“When the children discover I’m in there, they’re like police dogs, they just know. Within about 15 minutes of going in my studio they come in, they sit on the floor or they colour, or walk on the treadmill desk or want to see what I’m doing or want to change the music, or write their own book.”

For that reason, she also seeks refuge in coffee shops like D’Lish, headphones on, to do some writing. D’Lish makes it into the book by name, as do other Saskatoon and area past and present landmarks like Lydia’s.

The setting, however, is a small city called Edenville. The writer likes the feel of the weather there, and “I like the space that a smaller city affords a character to exist and not be swamped by all the other people who live in the city.”

Kuipers and her partner Yann Martel share early drafts of each other’s books, conscious of the perils.

“I read High Mountains (of Portugal) early on and gave him some fairly rigorous editorial feedback and he read Me (and) Me early on and gave me some very rigorous feedback.

“The difficult thing when you’re both writers and you’re trying to edit each other is that there is a tendency to want to write it yourself,” Kuipers smiles.

“We’re both quite good now, after 14 years, saying ‘thank you, stop now, thank you for your feedback — as a reader.’ ”

Kuipers is already almost finished the first draft of her next book, tentativel­y titled The Girl from Somewhere Else, about a girl who suddenly appears one day, saying she’s from the future.

Me (and) Me is brand new to readers but to Kuipers, it’s already her previous book.

“It’s nice to have the distance of knowing I worked really hard to make it the best I could. But also, it’s in other people’s hands now. If people like it, it’s great and if they don’t that’s their choice, too. I can’t undo it now.”


Kuipers listens to music when she writes — often just one or two songs, over and over. For Me (and) Me, her soundtrack included Alaska by Maggie Rogers and Crazy by Ria Mae. “It was those two songs that I had on repeat constantly.”


Kuipers isn’t just a writer and voracious reader, she is also a writing instructor. On alicekuipe­ she offers her Secrets of a Writing Life newsletter, a writing course, video tips, workshops for teachers, librarians and writers and thoughts on her blog. She also has writing prompts on Instagram and an iPhone app.


Alec passes me a paddle, and I dip it into the water. The sound of the splash makes me think of ice cream, of summer, of holidays on the lake when I was a kid. In mutual but not uncomforta­ble quiet, we head along the side of the lake. When I glance back at Alec, he smiles languidly. My heart does a pancake flip. Alec points out a beaver that glides by in the shallows.

A little while later, he interrupts the silence to say, “My dad used to take me on the water. He thought fishing was good for, I don’t know, turning me into a man. ’Cept I hated it, which drove him insane. I couldn’t stand being cooped up in a small space — I wanted to swim, kept jumping in. Disturbing the fish. He used to yell at me, which was ... well, not exactly relaxing.” He steers the canoe toward a small inlet, where the reeds hide us. His voice floats forward to me. “We don’t go on the water together anymore. And it’s weird, but without him around, I don’t mind the small space. Maybe that’s because you’re here.”

We both stop paddling and let the canoe drift. My paddle drips freezing water over my knees. I swivel so I can see him. He leans his head to one side and smiles. His paddle is still in the water, and he occasional­ly re-angles it, making a deep ripple.

I point at the piercing in his lip. “Did it hurt?”

“I was, like, thirteen. I got into trouble. Big trouble. Call it rebellion.”

“You seem like a good student. Into nature and stuff, not drugs and parties.”

“Not that sort of rebellious.” He has placed his paddle across the canoe and now rests both arms on it. “So, have you canoed much before?”

“We canoed and camped every weekend during the summer when I was little. Dad doesn’t look like it now.” Alec stays quiet while I speak. “He has a heart thing, so he can’t really exercise now. He means he’s put on some weight, and he isn’t so outdoorsy anymore, although he loves yardwork.” “What sort of a heart thing?” “They don’t really know. If he runs or gets his pulse up, I guess, his heart kinda skips.”

My heart is skipping now. I don’t want to talk about this. But I say, “It sucks. Some sort of scarring, maybe. I always think it’s a broken heart ’cause of my mom.” I lean back into paddling. My arms feel the pull of the water, and I fill my body with the sensation. Alec seems to get the topic isn’t my favourite, because he doesn’t push; everyone at school knows what happened to my mom. Instead, as he paddles he shifts to a new subject.

“How long have you played guitar?”

“Since before I can remember. Dad got me a ukulele when I was tiny, because I wanted a guitar so badly, but a ukulele is smaller, easier to start with. But tell me about you. I mean, stuff I don’t know from class.”

“What do you know from class?” I lift my oar and turn back to him. Boy, he’s cute when he looks at me like that. I say, “Um, you’ve been living in Edenville as long as me. Like, forever. You live with your parents. You work at Eb’s Outdoors. You aren’t good at math. You are super good at history.”

“I am too good at math.” “Whatever.” Smiling, I tilt my face up to the sun. It means I’m not looking when Alec stands up. The lurching of the canoe makes me grab the sides. “What are you doing?” “Fancy a swim?”

“Sure. But I don’t have a swimsuit.” “Neither do I.” His eyes are alight.

“Ah. The amazing thing you promised,” I deadpan. “Alec Sandcross gets naked and goes for a swim.”

“No, that’s not it.” He pulls off his shirt. My eyes travel over his tanned muscular arms and six-pack. “There maybe isn’t anything amazing ... "

I splash water at him. “You lied to stop me writing. I thought that might be the deal.”

The canoe tips but rights itself as I wobble to my feet. “Okay then, the amazing thing ... is that you’re going to take your clothes off too,” he says.

I unzip my life jacket. I hesitate and check around. The Fields family can’t be seen, and the water is glassy quiet. Alec smiles his lazy smile. Then I do it. I pull off my shirt. Thank God I’m wearing a decent bra.

Faltering and goofing off, suddenly we’re giggling as he crouches and tugs off his jeans and I do the same — tricky in a canoe.

We’re stripped down to our underwear. The sun is amazing —warm against my skin. He steps closer along the canoe, causing it to wobble again. I bet he’s gonna come up to me and kiss me.

Instead he turns to the water. “Come on.”

A shout stops us. “Help! Oh my God, someone help me!”

It’s Suzanne. I thought we were far from everyone, but I catch a glimpse of her flailing in the water just through the reeds.

And a red life jacket. Annabelle! She’s floating face down on the other side of the canoe from Suzanne. Alec and I glance at each other. Alec dives and I jump. The water is as cold as death. I lift my face to orient myself, pushing hair out of my eyes, and then, focused, I knife through the water.

Now Annabelle is about ten metres away from me. Suzanne still flounders in the reeds.

“Help her!”

Just then, Alec cries out. I glance back. He’s about ten metres behind me, blood pouring from his temple. His eyes are glassy. “I banged my ... I ... "

He’s sinking. “Alec!”

“I can’t get to her!” Suzanne fights the reeds that have entangled her.

I turn back. I’m halfway between Annabelle and Alec. I have to save them. Alec is going under. Annabelle is face down. I can’t breathe. Pain radiates through my chest. I tread water, franticall­y looking one way and then the other.

I do not know who to choose. Suzanne screams, “Lark! DO SOMETHING!” But I can’t.

 ?? MICHELLE BERG ?? Author Alice Kuipers enjoys her morning with a coffee in her studio in front of a few illustrati­ons for her new children’s book.
MICHELLE BERG Author Alice Kuipers enjoys her morning with a coffee in her studio in front of a few illustrati­ons for her new children’s book.
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 ??  ?? Saskatoon author Alice Kuipers
Saskatoon author Alice Kuipers

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