Regina Leader-Post

Succession plan important at family farms


Ten years ago, Leona Dargis had finished school at Olds College and was ready to start her career in agricultur­e. She returned home to the family farm in northeaste­rn Alberta to begin planning her future.

But tragedy stuck first.

It was the second weekend in August and her family was busy with sillage season, when her parents and grandma died in a plane crash.

Dargis and her four younger sisters found themselves having to sort out the future of the family farm.

“When the accident happened it was pulling out a will from the ’80s and making due to the best of our abilities with it. There was some things that we could have done I think a bit better,” she said.

It took the family six years to sort out the estate. In the end, one of Dargis’ sisters and her husband took over the farm and Dargis found herself travelling across the world talking about farm succession planning.

On Wednesday, Dargis spoke at Canada’s Farm Progress Show as part of the FCC Farm Progress Forum.

The 2016 Statistics Canada Agricultur­e Census released in May showed only 8.4 per cent of farms in Canada have a written succession plan. For Dargis the statistics aren’t surprising.

“The hardest part is just going to be to start. As soon as you start, I promise it will get easier,” she said.

Dargis recommends farmers first write down what they each want — whether it’s the first generation wanting a home in Phoenix or the second generation wanting to build a new house.

“That’s really kind of where this conversati­on starts with what each individual wants, (what their) needs are and by saying, ‘OK,’ and then working backwards. ‘Can we make this work financiall­y as far as what the farm will be able to give you?’ ” she said, adding it’s OK to hire profession­al help.

Donavon Tofin, founder of The Retiring Farmer, has spent the past 15 years helping farm families map out succession plans. The first step he says is separating the business of farming from the ownership of property and then making sure the first generation is financiall­y stable before handing over the farm.

“Succession planning is not an event that you do. A succession plan is a process that can take a lifetime,” Tofin said.

Most of the time when Tofin sits down with a family he finds out fast they either don’t have a succession plan in place or they don’t fully understand their plan.

“A lot of people will have very good plans theoretica­lly, structural­ly put in place but they don’t understand it’s very, very complex. There’s a lot of legal (issues), a lot of tax issues, a lot of life issues, very complicate­d,” he said.

Each farm’s succession plan will be different Tofin said and people must make the plan flexible to handle the future.

The Retiring Farmer runs daily seminars until Friday at 2 p.m. at the Farm Progress Show in the Queensbury Convention Centre.

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