Regina Leader-Post

Reversing budget moves sends wrong signal: prof

Professor says moves can be viewed as poor planning and lack of confidence

- amacpherso­­a ALEX MACPHERSON

The provincial government’s decisions to reverse multiple cuts announced in its 2017-18 austerity budget, despite Finance Minister Kevin Doherty’s assurance that it was not prepared to do so, is sending the wrong signals to the electorate, warns a University of Regina political science professor.

One week after partially walking back on its decision to strip $36 million in grants from cities and towns, Doherty said the government would not walk back any other cuts. However, it has since restored millions of dollars in funding for libraries, funerals and hearing aids. Last month, it changed course on how provincial sales tax is applied to constructi­on projects.

“It’s never a good idea for government­s to do that because it makes them look like they don’t know what they’re doing — that they hadn’t done sufficient planning or hadn’t done effective consultati­on, and don’t have confidence in their own plan,” University of Regina political science professor Ken Rasmussen said Thursday in an interview.

Rasmussen and University of Saskatchew­an political studies professor Joe Garcea agree government reversals were likely motivated by public outcry and poor planning, and represent an attempt to repair its reputation. Despite being in power for a decade, the Sask. Party government had very little experience with the “politics of downsizing,” Rasmussen noted.

The Sask. Party government’s popularity has plummeted since the budget was released on March 22. A Mainstreet/Postmedia poll conducted in May found that support for the Sask. Party has dropped 24 points over the last year, while a more recent Angus Reid Institute online survey concluded that the government was down 16 points compared to the same time last year.

Rasmussen said that “in some ways the damage was done and it is really unlikely (reversing cuts) is going to undo it,” while Garcea said the government’s future depends on the health of the provincial economy: “If it gets better, this budget will be forgotten and in fact they might even be rewarded for it. But if things don’t improve … they’re likely to be punished for it.”

Doherty was unavailabl­e for an interview Thursday. Government spokesman James Parker said in an emailed statement that the province “continues to listen to the people of Saskatchew­an and, where necessary, we have made a small number of adjustment­s to the budget decisions announced March 22 — in consultati­on with affected stakeholde­rs.”

“The overall rationale for decisions taken as part the 2017-18 Budget has not changed,” Parker said in the statement. “By controllin­g and reducing spending, and by modernizin­g and expanding the tax base, our government is ensuring that the economy remains strong and that we are in a position to return the budget to balance in three years.”

The 2017-18 budget, which aims to halve a $1.3-billion deficit stemming from collapsing oil and potash prices and, according to former finance minister Ken Krawetz, a reluctance to raise taxes, has been widely criticized since its introducti­on. The government responded by reversing several of the most controvers­ial cuts.

The government refused to back down on its controvers­ial decision to shutter the Saskatchew­an Transporta­tion Co., but admitted that slashing $4.8 million in funding for libraries and about $600,000 earmarked for funeral services for the indigent were “mistakes.” Last month, it extended access for some children to a now-scrapped $3-million hearing aid plan.

On June 30, the province partially reversed a decision to apply PST to all constructi­on services. Constructi­on firms can now buy lumber, plywood and fasteners without paying PST, and the threshold above which PST is applied to cost increases on renovation projects started before April 1 has been raised to 25 per cent from 10 per cent.

The Saskatchew­an Constructi­on Associatio­n (SCA) lobbied hard against the applicatio­n of PST to constructi­on before the budget was released, describing it as a tax on growth, but SCA manager John Lax said Thursday that the Ministry of Finance was open to ideas and the changes introduced last month will be “huge” for the province’s constructi­on companies.

It’s never a good idea for government­s to (reverse a budget decision) because it makes them look like they don’t know what they’re doing.

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