Regina Leader-Post

Loud eateries hazardous to your ears

Dining out in loud restaurant­s may be too harmful on customers’ ears, writes Gail Richard.


A restaurant is not a venue people go to thinking, “This could hurt my hearing.” But maybe they should.

Loud restaurant­s have become a widespread bane of customers. The most desperate have even reported wearing noise-cancelling headphones out to dinner.

Such drastic measures are increasing­ly necessary. From a health perspectiv­e, we should be as worried about the rising decibels of our favourite neighbourh­ood joints and national chains as we are about their ballooning portion sizes.

The decibel levels at many popular dining spots are rising above what audiologis­ts consider safe for extended periods. Consistent­ly listening to noise levels above 70 decibels can cause hearing loss over time. In other words, our dining habits could be damaging our hearing.

A recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that one in five U.S. adults who had a hearing test and reported no noise exposure at work had hearing damage most likely caused by everyday environmen­tal noise. Teens and young adults are at risk of noiseinduc­ed hearing loss, too —

1.1 billion of them around the world, according to the World Health Organizati­on.

Many restaurate­urs believe they’re giving restaurant-goers what they want by designing sleek surfaces made of wood, marble and other materials that don’t absorb sound — staples of a typical 21st century dining experience. An open floor plan that amplifies patron noise is now part of the “vibe.”

But all that din in the dining room may not be as good for the bottom line as restaurant owners think. Consumer Reports says noise is the top complaint among restaurant patrons it surveyed last year, above bad service.

And a recent poll conducted by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Associatio­n revealed that more than 30 per cent of people 18 and older say loud noises reduce their enjoyment of out-of-home leisure activities, including restaurant­s; more than a quarter have chosen not to go back to a place that is too noisy.

If eateries want to keep their customers — and show they care about the public’s hearing — there are steps they can take. They can create “quiet zones” for diners with hearing loss and others who prefer a less noisy scene. As well, simple adjustment­s to a restaurant’s decor — such as draperies, acoustic tiles, partitions and carpeting — can improve sound absorption, break up the noise and protect people’s ears.

Consumers and restaurant workers can also take action. There are apps you can download to monitor noise level. And if a venue is too loud, don’t be sheepish: Put in foam earplugs or don those noise-cancelling headphones. You can also ask restaurant managers to turn down music or move you to a quieter part of the dining room. Restaurant staff are usually willing to accommodat­e.

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