Regina Leader-Post

Actions speak louder than words


Dear Mr. Khadr,

I, like many Canadians, do not agree with the payout given you by the Canadian government. However, like many Canadians, I believe in second chances.

I also believe that actions speak louder than words.

You say you want to start a new life, you want to be a productive member of society and you want to be a good Canadian citizen. These are just words. What actions are you taking to prove to all of the world that you truly want what you say you want?

The world has clearly seen your past actions, which have been to go to fight against Canadian and allied forces. Your actions were to help make bombs and to act as an interprete­r supporting al-Qaida. You actively tried to kill men and women who were risking their lives to liberate people in Afghanista­n. People oppressed by a group that was taking the cruelest of actions in the name of a religion the embraces peace and love. I know several Muslims and I know this is not the way of Islam.

You sued the Canadian government and therefore your fellow Canadian citizens for personal gain. This is an action and a fact.

We know your actions and they are not those of a good Canadian citizen. Many fear that you will funnel your new-found and unfairly obtained wealth to support al-Qaida or other terrorist groups. These are fears and words – not actions.

I call on you to take this money and do something unselfish – do some good. Gift the money to the widow of the man you killed – start a centre that works to free “child soldiers” as you claim you were. Work diligently and tirelessly to end the culture of hatred that masquerade­s as religion. These are actions, and make no mistake Mr. Khadr, your fellow Canadians will judge based on your actions – not your words. Mauro Montanini, Regina

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