Regina Leader-Post

Historic day for Alberta Conservati­ves

Alberta Conservati­ves can be proud

- DON BRAID Comment from Red Deer, Alta.

‘Enjoy your temporary jobs.”

That was Brian Jean’s instant slam at the NDP after his Wildrose Party voted 95 per cent to merge with the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves into a new entity, the United Conservati­ve Party.

Two hours later, the PCs announced their own unity landslide, with the identical majority, 95 per cent.

Some people might find the number too creepily coincident­al to be legitimate. They shouldn’t be diverted. The twin votes reflect a massive consensus to end the internecin­e conservati­ve warfare that helped the NDP win the 2015 election.

At the Wildrose event in Red Deer, the enthusiasm was loud and genuine. I haven’t seen Alberta conservati­ves of any stripe so ecstatic since the PCs thought Jim Prentice would rescue them from their own history.

It is a stunning achievemen­t to unite two defeated parties so quickly. A year ago, when Kenney began his quixotic run for the PC leadership, hardly anybody thought it was remotely possible. Conservati­ves deserve their celebratio­n today.

But beating the NDP won’t be so easy, as Jean and Kenney surely know.

The shape of the new UCP will mean everything. It can’t just be a vehicle for running over the NDP. It has to be something that transports Albertans to a better place.

Will it be right wing, centrist, crackpot, sane, or some mush of all those elements? Can it be credible, sensible, modern, and, most of all, tolerant and welcoming?

The smartest strategist­s of this victory know that both old brands are damaged. The PC rap for arrogant entitlemen­t lingers on.

A whiff of extremism still trails behind Wildrose, despite Jean’s constant effort to deodorize the party’s shaky record on gay rights and other social issues.

As speakers like Wildrose MLA Derek Fildebrand­t said at the Red Deer event, the UCP is an opportunit­y to shed these taints while creating something new and different.

But Fildebrand­t himself showed how rough the road to that goal could be. Two hours before the Wildrose vote was announced, he told me he will never support Jean as leader, no matter who is or isn’t in the race.

My tweet about that spread through the room like a stink bomb. Bad form, some said, to inject divisivene­ss on a day when the movement seems united.

But Fildebrand­t was at least being honest. He wants what he calls Liberty conservati­sm. On Monday, he’ll be sitting in a legislatur­e room with progressiv­e PC MLAs like Richard Starke and Rick Fraser, for the first meeting of the joint party caucus.

If they feel swamped by the Wildrose right wing, they could leave this imperfect union. Today’s enthusiasm for the UCP is no guarantee of long-term stability.

That Monday meeting will be historic. Never before in this province have people elected under two party banners suddenly declared themselves members of a new one.

These 30 MLAs (22 Wildrosers and eight PCs) will elect an interim UCP leader from among three candidates: Nathan Cooper, the Wildrose house leader; Calgary Wildrose MLA Prasad Panda; and Calgary PC Richard Gotfried.

Already on Saturday, the politician­s were tripping over the oddity of their new creation. Kenney first introduced a pair of MLAs as Wildrosers and then said, oh no, “you’re UCP MLAs now.”

Actually, that won’t be official until Alberta’s Electoral Office registers the new party, which should happen within a few days.

Jean said that’s the moment when he will resign as Wildrose leader and the party will cease to exist.

Sarah Hoffman, the NDP deputy premier, immediatel­y branded Wildrose members as hypocritic­al for joining the PC party they so often scorched for the very same thing.

Kenney, in turn, said the NDP will be in an “absolute panic” and will “stop at nothing” to discredit the new party. “The more extreme they become, the less Albertans will listen.”

Conservati­ves now embark on the campaign for the UCP leadership, to be decided Oct. 28.

Jean looks energized. Kenney is propelled by his loathing for the NDP. Calgarian Doug Schweitzer has declared, and there will be more candidates.

If the new party can survive that without flying apart, it may just roll on to beat the NDP.

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