Regina Leader-Post

‘ I wonder, did I really hear a gunshot?’


The woman — who did not want to provide her name — said she awoke early in the morning, unable to sleep, and heard the sound sometime after.

“I was thinking, I wonder, did I really hear a gunshot?” she said. “I don’t have guns, I don’t know what a gunshot is. And sometimes we hear flares or fireworks or whatever, but I thought it was a gunshot. But then I didn’t hear anything else. I didn’t hear cars or vehicles or screaming. So then I laid there and I was like, ‘Should I call 911?’ “

She didn’t end up calling, having stayed awake for a while to listen. When she didn’t hear anything else, she went back to bed.

Like many of her neighbours, the woman said she’s lived there for quite some time — in her case, close to 20 years — and has never personally experience­d something like this.

“Sometimes you hear kids in the park, but not really very often anymore,” she said.

“Most people, we’ve all been here more than 20 years so we sort of know everyone, so anything out of the ordinary is noticed,” said another neighbour from James Crescent, who said he wasn’t aware anything had happened until police arrived in the morning.

Others, who live across the park on and around Howell Drive, recalled there had been park parties in the past, but added those have stopped for the most part.

“A lot of the younger kids have moved out ...,” said one man. “It’s been real quiet. Nothing like this.”

Anyone with informatio­n on this incident is asked to contact the Regina Police Service at 306777-6500 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

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