Regina Leader-Post

Wall ‘was never one of those leaders who wouldn’t take advice’

Premier’s longtime operations chief and friend reflects on decade in power in this question and answer with Alex MacPherson

- amacpherso­­a

Kathy Young has known Premier Brad Wall for almost 30 years, and spent the last decade as his chief of operations and communicat­ions — working behind the scenes to keep the government running. On Friday, she spoke with the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix about her experience­s in government with Wall.

Q When did you meet Brad Wall? Did you have a sense at the time that he would go on to become premier?

A: I actually met Brad Wall in, I think was 1989. Right around there. I met (longtime Wall friend and adviser) Reg Downs at the same time. I remember thinking these are two of the most brilliant and funny people I’ve ever met in my life. A couple years later I had had a party at my house. Brad and Reg were both there, and there was a point where Brad was sitting on my couch … I said to him, ‘You should be premier of this province someday.’ At the time, he just laughed and shook it off.

Q Saskatchew­an over the last 10 years has benefited from factors such as commodity prices that are beyond anyone’s control. How much of the growth we have seen over that period is attributab­le to Wall?

A He would be very humble about it, but I think quite a bit. Everything from changes to

SINP, for immigratio­n — those are changes that the government brought in that have helped grow our population. Changes we made to taxation levels have helped create jobs. Him telling the Saskatchew­an story around the world has opened up massive new markets to Saskatchew­an exports. Those things are directly attributab­le to him, and to steps that government has taken.

Q When you look back, how did you and the other members of the inner circle help shape and guide his thoughts, and ultimately what he put forward as policy?

A I like to think of all of us — his senior staff — as not just good friends but as advisers. Our premier was never one of those leaders who wouldn’t take advice, or who wouldn’t listen. I would say 90 per cent of the time we agreed exactly on what should be done. There’d be disagreeme­nts on how we should get something done, however it helps that we are good friends and respect one another.

Q What was the high point over the last 10 years for you?

A I would say, overall, the increase in population, the fact that that grows our economy and tax base, and we were able to take 114,000 low-income-earners off the tax rolls. The fact that we were able to do away with the wait list for people with intellectu­al and physical disabiliti­es that were waiting for the dignity of a home. Lowering taxes. All those kinds of things are highlights. The overall attitude change and growth, and what we’ve been able to do for the less fortunate — there’s just so many, I can’t even choose.

Q On the other hand, what was the most difficult moment or conversati­on you had over the last decade?

A There are always going to be some tough moments. I would say dealing with the La Loche (school) shooting, just because it was just such a tragedy no matter how you look at it. And when we lost Lisa (Strang, a longtime Sask. Party employee who was murdered in August 2015). Those kinds of things really put the rest of politics, and the rest of life, in perspectiv­e.

Q What was something this government and premier did that was not popular but that you’d do again the same way?

A You know, I would say this budget. We knew this budget wasn’t going to be popular but we’re not going to do what Alberta is doing and have a

$19 billion deficit in the coming years. The premier said, ‘That is not our brand, that is not good for Saskatchew­an, and we are so not doing that.’

Q You’ve been fielding calls from reporters for 10 years now. How has working with the news media in this province changed over that time?

A You have to be on call all the time. You never know if there’s going to be a flood or a forest fire or some incident — there’s just so very many things. As far as directly with (the) media, I think what’s changed is we live in a digital world much more so than 10 years ago. It’s immediate. All of the media outlets … have to get these things out immediatel­y.

Q What are your plans for the future?

A Well, right now I plan to continue doing exactly what I’m doing — briefing the premier every morning and being his chief of operations in government. When we get a new leader, maybe someone might want a change (with) what I’m doing, maybe they won’t, but this isn’t something that I’m going to do forever, that’s for sure. One thing I know I’ll do is get some more sleep.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

 ?? TROY FLEECE ?? Kathy Young has been part of Brad Wall’s inner circle for years, including the last decade as chief of operations and communicat­ions.
TROY FLEECE Kathy Young has been part of Brad Wall’s inner circle for years, including the last decade as chief of operations and communicat­ions.

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