Regina Leader-Post

Get in the game!

- jumpstart.canadianti­ (News Canada)

Enrolling your kids in sports or physical activity will help them stay active this fall and winter. Here are some of the main benefits of getting in the game:

1. Maintain good health:

Did you know that, according to the federal government, only nine per cent of kids ages five to 17 get the recommende­d 60 minutes of daily physical activity? Cardiovasc­ular fitness, strength, improved flexibilit­y and bone density are all developed through exercise. Plus, it helps maintain a healthy body weight and reduces the risk of health problems.

2. Develop self-esteem:

Not only does getting active help improve overall mental health and well-being, it allows kids to venture beyond their comfort zones and try new things. Playing a sport fosters self-esteem and helps kids develop confidence.

3. Make friends:

Being part of a team allows kids to socialize with their peers. Almost all sports have elements of teamwork, and learning to work together is another valuable life skill.

For parents worried about the expenses associated with getting kids in the game, Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities can help by assisting with the costs of registrati­on, equipment and even transporta­tion. If you know a kid who wants to play but is unable to because of costs, find help online at

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