Regina Leader-Post

Cottage chargers could be the key to the highway for EVs

Electric vehicles may not need massive infrastruc­ture writes Lorraine Sommerfeld


In the past couple of Motor Mouth columns, David Booth has raised some great points on the future of electric vehicles, alongside the hair-raising costs they will entail. I’m not going to question his math (heck, I don’t even question his hairstyle) but I want to toss a little wrench his way, a few what-ifs.

We all know if there are ten factors to an equation, tweaking even one ever so slightly can drasticall­y change the outcome. There are far more than ten factors to this subject, so you can imagine the combinatio­ns and permutatio­ns that could exist. Remember, it was only a couple years ago that diesel was the answer. Diesel who? Things move pretty fast.

I happen to think Booth’s suggestion of extended-range electric vehicles is sort of brilliant; don’t tell him I said so. Canada is a unique place with regards to geography and climate, and one size does not fit all. We are also the last country to the table when it comes to choice in our vehicles; for the most part, we get what everybody else has decided they want.

Just a few years ago, we were being offered hybrid vehicles that had electric ranges of about 30 kilometres. We laughed. I know they had to start somewhere, but that hybrid was basically like wearing a pair of five-inch stilettos but bringing a pair of flats with you; we all know you can only last so long in the heels. But the developmen­t of electric technology has set a blistering pace in improving battery range, with Tesla and even General Motors nudging up nearer to the current capacity of many gas-powered cars. One of everybody’s biggest concerns? Boom. Gone.

And I believe it soon will be gone with every electric offering. And here is where I offer up a slightly different scenario to Mr. Booth, to augment the one where he is envisionin­g long lines of traffic clogging up those gas-andpee stops along the TransCanad­a Highway. My cottage is 275 km from my home. I used to laugh at the thought of owning an electric vehicle. But now? Well, with electric engine offerings coming now in family-friendly vehicles (no offence, Smart), and a range well within reach of my own private splinters-and-mouse-turd paradise, why not?

In Booth’s scenario, I won’t do it because I’ll never make it home; I’ll be stuck in some charging nightmare at an ONroute station. Except ….

Except, I’ll have charged up at the cottage. Just like I’d have charged up at home. I never could have gassed up at the cottage, but I could certainly charge up, and drive back home, bypassing the highway hell. The technology is changing, but so will people’s patterns.

I’m not suggesting there will be a stampede to the EV sector, but there will be a shift. There are outliers who drive far longer distances to a weekend cabin or other destinatio­n and for whom EVs don’t make sense, but for the most part, cottage zones tend to be within two to three hours of major centres and people’s homes. Unlike Booth’s engineerin­g math, mine is less scientific: How long can I stand to be trapped in a metal box with a handful of whining kids, a screeching cat and a migraine? It takes two and a half hours to get to our cottage.

We’ve been suggesting electrics will work for urban dwellers because they can charge at home, and then again at work places that are adapting with each new build and ongoing retrofits. That end trip either has to have a charging station, or the charge has to last long enough for a return trek. We’ve never questioned that those consumers entertaini­ng purchasing an electric vehicle will have to kit out their homes with a charging station; I’m saying those same consumers would consider doing the same at a vacation home.

Booth is right that the infrastruc­ture equation sports too many zeros if we treat it like we do existing driving patterns. I’m proposing that vehicles with long-range capabiliti­es will cause a shift in driver behaviour away from the traditiona­l filling stations. That won’t solve all the problems, but it’s the beginning of those tweaks I mentioned up top. Make enough tweaks, and things that were once impossible can start to shift. Electric cars have so many variables at play.

I almost always stop for fuel on my way home from the cottage, but only because I don’t leave the cottage with a full tank.

 ??  ?? For owners of electric cars such as the Nissan Leaf, who have a charging station at home, why not have one at the cottage as well? CNW Group/
For owners of electric cars such as the Nissan Leaf, who have a charging station at home, why not have one at the cottage as well? CNW Group/

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