Regina Leader-Post


- By Holiday Mathis

The superstiti­on of Friday the 13th began with the seizure of a medieval military order on Friday, Oct. 13, 1307. The downfall of this group, the Knights of Templar, had such an impact that the day was considered to be unlucky. Today the playful Leo moon aims to turn the paradigm inside out: Fortune favors creative mischief.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). If you find you are spending just as much time thinking about what is not happening as you are thinking about what is, know that it’s the thoughtrat­io of unhappines­s. More time in the present moment equals more happiness.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The word amateur literally means “one who loves.” Those who do not exchange their work for money have the luxury of delivering the very purest personal expression. Enjoy being in the amateur stage for as long as it lasts.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll witness some brilliant creativity and perhaps participat­e in it. Don’t be surprised if there’s something a little subversive about it, as that’s usually part and parcel with creative brilliance.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Traditions speak to a group identity and from them can spring a sense of belonging. It’s a fine time to make plans for these final parts of the year that will build the bond between you and the people you care about.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You need attention. Everyone does. But few work at making it so worthwhile for others to give it to them. You offer a lot of fun, usefulness and loveliness in return for their focus. This is what you’ll be up to today.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There’s something dangerous about having your money easily accessible to you today. The more time you take to think about your purchases, the better off you’ll be.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You have passed this way before, but don’t worry: You’re not falling backward, regressing, or repeating needless and mindless patterns. You’re simply getting extremely familiar with this road that you will soon own.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). A highintens­ity life can still be a happy one, but it works a lot better when you have healthy release valves built into it. Go on the search for better ways to equalize the pressure and effectivel­y cope.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ve a sense about what others want from you -- not the obvious need on the surface, but the underlying craving that they wouldn’t dare ask for even if they could articulate it.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The joy isn’t in the other thing: It’s in you. Furthermor­e, joy doesn’t get stolen all that often. Usually people hand it over in a mindless or weak moment. Protect your joy.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your alone thoughts are different from the thoughts you have when others are around. It’s time to consider how the physical and emotional presence of another human being changes things for better or worse.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You aren’t trying to make a person love you, though you wouldn’t mind if it happened naturally. You’re ready for a little more respect, friendship, attention and even passion.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. 13). Many times you’ve cycled through the spring of hope, the toil of summer, the autumn of reaping and the dormant dreams of winter. This time will not be the same. Now you gather new energies and ideas, and you’ll emerge in 2018 a transforme­d being. Broaden your scope in March. Travel in May. Give back in July. Aries and Taurus adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 40, 2, 33 and 14.

WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: You started for one reason, and there’s a higher reason you’ll stay with it. TAURUS: A date is more than a meeting. It’s an opportunit­y to create a totally unique experience and share it. GEMINI: You’ll include others, ask for their thoughts and opinions, and pull them a little closer. CANCER: The fun is where you are. And when you tell someone else they should be there too, they’ll listen. Don’t ask! Declare. LEO: You’ll be a hit when you deliver bad news or a boring practicali­ty mixed with your own brand of sweetness. VIRGO: Before you react, you think, “What if that were me?” Your reactions will be more empathetic and soulful because of this. LIBRA: You will shine because of — paradoxica­lly — your humility. It takes a big person to go small.

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